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Author Topic: arsenal ?  (Read 864 times)


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arsenal ?
« on: October 30, 2009, 06:55:02 PM »
i have been thinking about a storm arsenal. i currently just have a fast with a hyroad on the way. i'm trying to think of a ball that would fit in between the two. i bowl on a second shift league but are league out numbers the first shift, so sometimes we get some fresher lanes, but not heavy oil. so if i use the hyroad as my benchmark is there anything that would fit in the storm line up that i can use before my fast? thanks



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Re: arsenal ?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 05:11:37 AM »
Out off the current line-up I think you have 2 options there, depending on what ball reaction you're looking for.

1) Storm Reign: this is if you want a ball that goes long and flips hard on the backend, could be a perfect 1-2 combo with your hy-road once it starts checking up too early

2) Storm Furious: it will read the midlane better than the reign and has more of a strong arc towards the pocket  (this is when you keep the box finish, 2000 Abralon on the ball). Also a good ball to start with on the fresh and later switch to your fast