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Author Topic: Arsenol Help  (Read 945 times)


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Arsenol Help
« on: May 11, 2009, 05:56:08 AM »
How's it going. I have been bowling for a few years now, and had a decent average around 190 until last year when I hurt my fingers, and had to learn a different approach.  Now my average is around 170 and starting to increase.  I used to throw a big hook, now I throw a straighter ball with alot of hook at the backend.  

I just picked up a 2nd dimension in which my pro shop drilled the ball to go long and then hook pretty good.  What I have found out with this ball, is that on lightly oiled lanes, ball did really well, then towards the end of 2nd game, started hooking too much.  So I end up having to use my T-Road Pearl.  I use the T-Road usually for lightly oiled and Spares.  Last night I bowled on med to heavy oil and the 2nd just would not come back quick enough unless I moved to the left and threw it across the boards to get it to come back until about the 2nd game.  

I am wanting to know if this arsenal would work.
Virtual Gravity for heavier oil
2nd Dimension for med oil
Hyroad for med to light oil
T-Road pearl for spares and dry

I have also tried the Hot rod pearl and did not like it, goes way to long.  When I got my 2nd dimension, I was trying to decide between the 2nd Dim and the Cell Pearl.  I have always wanted to try the Cell Pearl as I have always heard great thing about them.  But I have had the best luck with Storm so I stuck with them and the apple pie smell was a plus, lol...If I could add the Cell Pearl into the above I would try it.

Any suggestions would be great.  

Also, do you have any suggestions on a 4 ball bag that is really good.  My pro shop has the KR 4 ball bag stack stacks for 155, and an ebonite transport 4 ball inline for $140.



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Re: Arsenol Help
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 02:02:51 PM »
I've got a Storm 4 ball (2x2) and I really like it. Much more stable than a 3 ball inline. Plus when you put it in the car you're never picking up more than 2 balls at a time. I think someone said that KR makes Storms bags and KR is supposed to be about the best you can get.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: Arsenol Help
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2009, 02:06:16 PM »
I have the ebonite 4 ball inline and the plus side for me is navigating through people, it is much easier where as with my 2x2 I would have to wait for people to clear out.

As for the Arsenal we would need a little more info like revs and speed.  The stuff you listed could work and almost anything can work depending on surface prep.  Most Storm and Roto equipment is surface friendly.

Edited on 5/11/2009 2:08 PM


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Re: Arsenol Help
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2009, 02:24:35 PM »
Thanks, my ball speed is around 15 - 16, I am not a cranker.  I am starting to work out now, hoping to increase my arm strength to get more speed on the ball.


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Re: Arsenol Help
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 03:19:47 PM »
I would say that arsenal would be fine but I would add a plastic ball for spares.


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Re: Arsenol Help
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 03:31:56 PM »
Thanks.  Since my 2nd seems to work better in med oil, would it be good to add a cell pearl for like med to heavy oil or will the virtual work good for that.  I would like to keep my t-road pearl for spares.