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Author Topic: attitude and gravity  (Read 837 times)


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attitude and gravity
« on: February 21, 2008, 12:05:53 AM »
do these two balls complement eachother in any way,  or are they two similar as balls that go longer with powerful backends.  i currently have a attitude which i love, but as i now bowl on a second shift, i am seeing inconsistent results.  most of my weeks look like this 250_230_170 as i get more and more carrydown and the lane gets drier in the mids.   obviously a drill and cover change can force these 2 balls to react differently, but i am looking for a 2 ball arsenal and looking for a complementary ball



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Re: attitude and gravity
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 08:22:33 AM »
go to youtube and look up gravity shift i think buddiesproshop did it if not then it was average JOES but its not the promo one it shows how well they compliment eachother and i have both i love my gravity but i also love my rapid fire (as dlenart said) and if they are drier the attitude and the gravity may not be what you are looking for they make an awesome pair but you will need some oil for that to be true (hope i helped)

if u want to know about maybe a shift also just ask me i have that one too and the shift slt and global too (as stated in my signature)
Bowl up a storm

Storm Shift Gravity
Storm Shift SLT PRO CG (overseas ball)
Storm Shift Attitude
Storm Shift
Storm Shift Global PRO CG (OVERSEAS)
Storm Special Agent
Storm Rapid Fire
Storm Core Power LRG
Storm Eraser Boost
Storm EL NINO X-it
Storm Team Storm spare ball (blue and yellow)
(two one got scratched so it moves a little)