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A Couple Questions.
« on: October 26, 2008, 03:57:53 AM »
For most of last year and this summer my T-Road Pearl was my go-to ball. I loved the reaction I got out of it. It allowed me to open up the lanes and play where I've rarely been able to play before. Thinking I was taking care of it, I got it resurfaced and rejuvenated right before leagues started this year. Result: I lost ALL reaction. Hits like a truck still, but barely moves 5 boards. I'm smart enough to know that the big hook doesn't equal high scores, but I got the ball to open up the lanes.
My questions are...should I go out and get another T-Road Pearl and just not resurface/rejuvenate it again? Or has there been another Storm ball released that attacks the med/med-light conditions better?
Second, has anyone else lost their reaction because of resurfacing and/or rejuvenating? I'm now very skeptical about that process as I don't really have money to waste.

Thank you very mcuh for reading, and thank you more to those that respond.

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Re: A Couple Questions.
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 01:59:48 PM »
Second, has anyone else lost their reaction because of resurfacing and/or rejuvenating? I'm now very skeptical about that process as I don't really have money to waste.
Can''t sleep, pins are laughing
Can''t sleep, pins are laughing...

The ball did not lose its reaction because it was resurfaced and rejuvenated. It lost its rection because someone either did not know what they were doing or just went overboard with the sanding and the polishing.

It is extremely common for people to use abrasives, nylon pads, Abralon or sandpaper, until it is well past the point where it is even close to the grit level specified. So they may start out with 1000 grit but they use it until there's only a piece of paper left and the abrasive has broken down into much finer pieces and it's probably aroudn 1500 or 2000 grit (just as an eample).

Also they apply gobs and gobs of an abrasive polish and spin and press until what's left is a marble in which  you can see every wart and mole and every uncut hair on your face.

I suspect that your ball is either not at the factory surface or you have used it so much, that you didn't realize how much the hook grew as the track started to wear a little.

The T-Road Pearl was 1500 grit polish. I'd suggest re-sanding it to about 600 or 800 grit and then applying a LIGHT coating of almost any polish. I mean LIGHT! You can always add more. Also see if the pro shop has a decent non-abrasive polish. (Lanemasters Factory Finish, Brunswick's High Gloss Factory Finish, Valentino's Snake Oil). If not, Storm's Reacta Shine is good.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: A Couple Questions.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2008, 04:46:05 PM »
Ya, I have sanded down one of my balls to 800 wet sand then applied some reacta shine to it and boy does it grab the lane and hooks!! But ya, I agree with charlest about sanding it down to 600-800 then applying some polish.
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