I only bowled 1 game with it, & they hadnt oiled yet....so i dont really have a read for it yet. What i will say is that i have a cell at 1000abralon & found a quick shot with it, about 17-5ish, came back fairly strong, so i knew the outside was a bit toasty. I immediately grabbed the VG & moved to play 22-8, the ball went thru the beak. I moved right a bit & played 22-12, keeping it in the oil longer. The ball showed creat roll, rolls HEAVY, but gets down the lane nicely, jumps HARD off the dry, & i mean freakin hard. All in all, its exactly what i needed, a stronger, more angular cell that will allow me to get inside on slicker lanes while everyone builds a bump spot for me while thye play up 10.
VG is 5.5" p2p over the bridge with a 70deg mb.
Cell is 5.25 p2p, under the bride, 60ish deg mb.
I will try to give a more in depth review later on, but i probably wont hit any oil for it until at least saturday night, maybe sunday morning. Next league night is monday, i will try to post something in between if i get a chance, but i will definitely give a better review after next monday.