Yes VERY often at 13 or 12 you are paying for THE Coverstock of the top flight ball ONLY!
That is why very often in those weights just buying the second line ball makes so much sense.
Particularly if you think the bowler is going to be moving UP in weight...why pay 180 dollars for just the coverstock.
HOWEVER...often these balls are very good for the bowler because of the weaker core put in it.
For example years ago my son about age 10 at the time got a Navy Stinger say 11 pounds...good strong coverstock and a high rg to help him get the ball down the lane say 2.57 and a lower differential say .30. Great ball for him and easy to get to the breakpoint with young boy speed and it hooked quite a bit.
Ebonite has a similar chart on their current balls.
I believe there is some good logic behind these higher rg cores in the lighter weights....just remember they are not really worth it to pay for the latest great technologies of the top of the line ball.
Ebonites chart
Note the higer rgs and lower diffs starting at 13 pounds.
PPS...HOWEVER...I believe SOME companies put the high power core in lower weight...don't know if the same...but look at this....
Black Widow from Hammer whether this is a good idea or not....I don't know.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Edited on 2/8/2008 7:04 AM
Edited on 2/8/2008 8:58 AM