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Author Topic: AZO and Storm???  (Read 1341 times)


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AZO and Storm???
« on: October 23, 2004, 06:41:13 PM »
I found this very strange, this new ball by AZO called the radical power seems to have the same wieght block, or extremely similar core to the original trauma. The thing is though is that Hammer/Ebonite makes AZO and legend star balls too now if I am not mistaken. Here is the info on this ball. The Legend Star website seems to be giving me some trouble at this moment:

You are probobly thinking that that block does not look similar to the trauma weight block, but that is the silver colored one, the original one looks very similar. To see a picture of it, go to and click on the purple storm button. Go to where the picture of the trauma is and click on the small link next to the name of the ball in parenthesis, not the picture. I cannot provide a direct link of this flyer. Does anyone know if this is just a rip-off or is storm helping make these balls to now? Thanks...

"Contemplate the reason you exist..."

Formerly Maelstrom44, Maelstrom X, Maelstrom Zero, Maelstrom Axiom, Maelstrom Flux, Enigma, and Muon Ejector.



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Re: AZO and Storm???
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2004, 03:16:24 AM »
I don't think he is being sarcastic, because the cores do look identical. Now granted, you can look at many companies and do this (messanger ti and mojo for example), But those do look exactly alike.

p.s. If you want a link to the trauma ER, go to, click on the balls link, then click on the trauma ER, link, its discontinued.


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Re: AZO and Storm???
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2004, 03:26:55 AM »
I don't think he is being sarcastic, because the cores do look identical. Now granted, you can look at many companies and do this (messanger ti and mojo for example), But those do look exactly alike.

p.s. If you want a link to the trauma ER, go to, click on the balls link, then click on the trauma ER, link, its discontinued.

Yes, maybe I did over react to tenpin's post. Anyway, the other reason I think this may be related to storm, though this is a very small connection, is that the core in the blue bubble is also used in the Toxic Storm, though this is minimal like I said. Also, now on you can see this ball and the stats look like storm wrote them, patially because storm is the only one who says "Rex D-Scale" under thier hardnesses...
"Contemplate the reason you exist..."

Formerly Maelstrom44, Maelstrom X, Maelstrom Zero, Maelstrom Axiom, Maelstrom Flux, Enigma, and Muon Ejector.

Edited on 10/24/2004 3:17 AM

Edited on 10/24/2004 4:02 AM