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Author Topic: Baking a Vertigo?  (Read 1694 times)


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Baking a Vertigo?
« on: February 11, 2006, 05:56:27 PM »
Anyone tried this to restore some of the OOB reaction that they had?  I have a friend that has a rejuvenator and is more than willing to toss our equipment in it  for a refresher.  He has my Black Cherry Bomb this weekend, but I didn't give him the Vertigo yet since I wasn't sure how Storm feels about heating up their pieces.

I've tried clean and dull and it really didn't bring back much reaction at all.  I normally clean it weekly with grey scotchbrite and Liquid Nitro since it appears to track up quickly and get ugly looking with a few games use.

Any input is welcome.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby



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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 09:17:40 AM »
ive had my x factor ace baked in a rejuvenator several times, all with good results.


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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 11:30:26 AM »
ive had my x factor ace baked in a rejuvenator several times, all with good results.

Thanks, but I'm more interested in experience with the Vertigo specifically.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby


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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 03:21:15 PM »
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby


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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 03:40:12 PM »
anythings worth a shot. apparently they
have no resale value no matter how
good of condition they're in.-cinch

Amen to that... I'm not even sure if this one is worth redrilling.  Pin above bridge and RAD below thumb was good for down and in, but only with a fresh cover.
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby


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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 03:55:25 PM »
I have to agree... if they have little value selling.. and the reaction isn't as desired, you have little to lose.  Although I have never ran a vertigo through my rejuvenator, I have put just about everything else (including a trifecta) without problems.  Just make sure the ball is at room temp prior to putting it in (don't store it in the trunk overnight and throw it in while its still frozen)...  If you are still worried about it, try the "hot water & dishwashing liquid" method.  That will pull lots from the surface...and all you have to worry about is drying out the fingers/thumb afterwards (and if you roll up a paper towl and stuff it in the thumb and keep it at the very top so little water gets in, you don't even have to worry about the thumb!)...

-Strapper Squared

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Re: Baking a Vertigo?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2006, 10:51:23 PM »
Take a 5gal bucket fill it with the hot water from the tap with a 1/2 teaspn of dish soap let it soak for 45min then pull out and rinse oil scum off with dabs of dish soap and semi-hot water with a cloth and washing to remove the scum off the ball and let dry out in the open, drain all the holes.

I have done this with excellent results.
