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Author Topic: Balance hole on Virtual last option?  (Read 4519 times)


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Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« on: February 17, 2009, 01:49:29 PM »
Well once again after more surface changes, the ball still is just not strong enough. It's length is just to long, it is effotless length like a pearl ball, wants to move hard in the back, but on oil is is normally to late, and with all the length is a over under reaction.

Last week I went to 1500 abralon, still to long, better than OOB, but still to long. Tongiht had it at 1000 abralon, and although better, still would leave me washout's if I wasn't spot on. Definitly had to keep my speed in check, to make sure it didn't go past the break point. Wish I would have brought my pin down Dimension at same surface to compare.

I am going to league at the house my driller owns. Am wanting to put a balance hole in it, to see if it helps get some better midlane. Anybody got some suggestions, I am not going to redrill, would probably sell it. Hoping a balance hole will help. Anyone?
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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2009, 09:59:34 AM »
pics of ball

It is a weak layout, but all the reviewers were sayin, drill it weak because of how strong it is, so I did and now it is to weak I guess.

I am actually afraid of drilling it any lower than 5 cinhes to PAP for the fear of it puking before it gets half way down the lane.

Here is a video of me so you can see how my roll is. This is on a med'light oil condition with clean backends. This is the house I have been struggling at because of them starting to put down gobs of oil, along with some carrydown from womens league the night before.

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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2009, 10:37:27 AM »
I think you should try putting a balance hole on P3 (Mo´s Gradient Line Technique)
This would make the ball flare more and help it to get into a roll a bit earlier.

I think you should also test to refresh the surface with a 4000 abralon pad as this ball shines up really fast.


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2009, 11:48:21 AM »
i love the layout, i wouldnt have drilled it any stronger myself, it very weird that this ball is rolling like this for you...ive seen VGs drilled weaker that are monsters...this ball needs oil to be effective, but im sure you are using it on the right looks polished in the pic...i would put a wt hole on your val 3 inches down...again i dont know why it will not react for you, the layout isnt overly weak..

Ya I have this layout on a Uprising and i love it on it, the ball is still very strong (uprising), so I thought a strong ball like the virtual it would be perfect. Conditions are right, I tried it polished after the 4000 wasn't working thinking it was burning up when everything else I had was skating. Then the ball looked like it was on ice skates, and could never get into a roll. have finally went down to 1500 valentino pad, which is roughly 700-800 grit and it is better but still not what I was looking for. My Uprising which i used last night was basically the same strength. Definitly going with a thumb quadrant balance hole.

The picture tooken was the OOB finish which came pretty shiny for 4000 abralon, when I got home I hit it with a fresh 4000 pad before using it again. which made it a little duller than the OOB surface.
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2009, 11:50:50 AM »
Here is a video of me so you can see how my roll is. This is on a med'light oil condition with clean backends. This is the house I have been struggling at because of them starting to put down gobs of oil, along with some carrydown from womens league the night before.
(For what it's worth, not trying to tear your game apart, but trying to offer constructive criticism... your ball speed is awfully low compared to your rev rate, your armswing almost looks like it's very deliberate and focused too much on hitting up on the ball at the bottom, which made your shot making in that video pretty erratic.  Have you worked with a coach any on this?)

My rev rate is lower than yours and my ball speed is much higher than yours, though my PAP is nearly identical to yours.  The one time I threw a Virtual Gravity at an Open House session on fresh oil, it was at 4000 abralon with a pin-under-bridge layout, MB under the thumb, and it still hooked out of my hand practically.  I couldn't get it to face up to the pocket because it was burning up so badly.  I threw my pin-up Dimension to compare it and it barely turned the corner compared to the Virtual Gravity.  Have you tried taking the cover UP on this, maybe polishing it?  It might be rolling early, then hooking again in the back.  I've seen this happen before with very strong equipment.  Also, could we get any video of you bowling on this pattern with this ball to see for ourselves what it's doing?


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2009, 04:32:25 PM »
dude!!  just re-drill it!!!  its not gona hurt.. it sounds like the layout doesnt work for you..  or, your tryn to do TOO much with it...


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2009, 05:17:28 PM »
My dimension was 5 boards stronger than my Virtual. Exact same surface and drilling. Mine was drilled with the pin under the ring finger. My mass bias was kicked out a inch more than his.


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2009, 05:36:54 PM »
With the cg close to the fingers check the finger weight to make sure you dont have to much.Other than that,go with weight hole like "Mo" say's.Get side weight to about .25oz
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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2009, 05:50:40 PM »
go with this idea if not sell it as a single drilling and get 90.00 or so bucks back.

Once you redrill more like 55.00 tops or so, mine is a drilled with a weaker MB and stronger pin and it hooks aton, ball gets jumpy but honestly leaves junk all day long.

Mega friction is just stupid strong compared to the VG, not even in the same league oil wise. Think AMB particle at 320 and that equals the Mega at 1k, F81 cover my azz more like F150 haha

Try strong hole down your VAL or into the MB or flare increasing hole 6-3/4 inches away on the line from the pin through your PAP.
3 inches deep with a 1 inch drill bit will be fine.

Just incase, I would have my PAP re-checked if I were you.

That ball is awesome. I hope you get the reaction you want.
Good Luck,

Monster Stitch

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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2009, 06:27:08 PM »
You can put a weight hole 2 inches down from pap on your val. I see in your profile that you have a Dimension which is an early roll and continuous arc. Why don't you dull it up. That is the 1-2 combo with the VG. The VG is more midlane then anglular.
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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2009, 08:51:17 PM »
With the cg close to the fingers check the finger weight to make sure you dont have to much.Other than that,go with weight hole like "Mo" say's.Get side weight to about .25oz

Went in tonight to have my driller check it out. He did some weight measurements and he thought I had to much finger weight at 3/4, so he drilled out the fingers to lower it to 3/8 finger weight, he said it should make it roll earlier. He wanted to do this before putting a balance hole in it.

go with this idea if not sell it as a single drilling and get 90.00 or so bucks back.

Once you redrill more like 55.00 tops or so, mine is a drilled with a weaker MB and stronger pin and it hooks aton, ball gets jumpy but honestly leaves junk all day long.

Mega friction is just stupid strong compared to the VG, not even in the same league oil wise. Think AMB particle at 320 and that equals the Mega at 1k, F81 cover my azz more like F150 haha

I see where you are coming from. I don't know if I could get $90, but that sounds intriguing, haha.
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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2009, 12:22:09 PM »
i always thought more finger weight would give it more length, thats what my driller has told me. And someone replyed about this a couple rely's ago in this post.

Its worth a try
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Z Jellsey

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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2009, 02:15:58 PM »
Static weights mean nothing in terms of reaction. Taking the finger weight down 3/8 of an oz is like throwing a lawn chair off the Titanic. The ship still would have sank, and your ball will still go too long.

Your pin is too far from your PAP! Period!
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Edited on 2/19/2009 3:16 PM


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2009, 03:32:31 AM »
I see you have a dimension. Looks like a better set up what you are trying to achieve. Take the Dimension down to 1000 abralon and see how it reacts. Bet that will be a much better fit. Also do not expect a ball to react with big backend on longer/ heavier patterns. Also try to post a vid on that pattern so I can help you better. It could also be that you are not squared up enough for the condition. One last thing whoever said you were hitting up on the ball is full of you know what. That person in his vid is setting the ball behind the foul so that it for what that is worth. please update asap.


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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2009, 06:34:52 AM »
I could try to get a vid, but there is no way I would be abale to get any video going during league. It would have to be practice one a Monday or Wednsday if not subbing. But then there isn't as much oil as Tuesday.

I have been squaring up. My best look is strait up 8-10 board.

Interesting about nlast night using the ball. They had been using the older machine which does put out more oil, and has a smaller dry baord area, which is the 2 board out instead of 5 board out. They used the new machine the HAD been using. In practice I threw a couple balls with my Code which was great starit up 8 board, but pulled out Virtual for a couplke shots, and could not get it to the pocket. So I was almost 100% positive that it was burning up, even stait up 8 where the code was getting to yhe pocket it just wouldn't do it. Maybe will try on Tuesday whewre there will be more oil that I know of to see if anything changed.

I will definitly be bringing my Dimension as well.
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Re: Balance hole on Virtual last option?
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2009, 06:39:49 AM »
Zack, that is the best description of static weight I have ever heard. If you are using a ball driller who is telling you a change in static weight will have a meaningful impact on ball motion you need to find a new ball driller!

Static weight is absolutely meaningless with today's bowling balls.