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Author Topic: Ball Aresnal  (Read 1023 times)


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Ball Aresnal
« on: August 10, 2007, 12:54:55 AM »
Hello All,
I am currently all Storm, as if some of you didn't know (And NO I am not staff, for ansering the one post above-but I would like to be).  I am currently looking into modifing my arenal based on a wide of bowling conditons, mainly based on oil density-and not so much length.

I am a stroker, with low revs and med axis.  I throw around 17MPH on a wide variety of usually a low end of 37ft to a high end of around 43ft.  The density is usually medium, but can drop to low. I am on a high school team, so varying shots do come about and thats what I am listing above.

My current aresnal is listed below based on what the ball does and handles.  I know that most of the drills are at 45* basis so there is a bit.  Sorry I can't tell you my PAP...

Heavy Oil: Storm Paradigm Domination.  Medium roll with a medium backend.  (This ball can really take on a bit longer patterns, but can handle a good density.  Note: This ball was first hit with a burgandy, and then with a 1000 abralon.

Heavy-Medium: Storm Shift.  A ball with a backend for sure.  It does push and shove, awesome ball.  Forget heavier oil and longer patterns.  You'll skid right on down.

Medium: Ace.  The go to ball of my life.  Love it!!!! Handles alot and alot well.  Not so great when it comes to the longer or even more dense patterns.

Medium: Vertigo: Got the back end still and the reaction!  Medium oil/medium length not so much more...

Medium Light: Flash Point: Good ball---I think it's to much for what it should be!

Spare: Spare Ball

Lookin at a Secret Agent:  Seems like I need it!  Got the heavy roll and the heavy hit.  Looks like a fill for a spot!
1. Secret Agent (Heavy)
2. Domination (Heavy Med)
3. Shift (Med)
4. Ace (Med)
5. Vertigo (Med)
6. Flash Point (Break Down)
7. Spare (Spare)
/\/Now I really don't mind having seven balls, but I would like to keep a six line as a main go and "drop a ball"

Now with that in mind-the Vertigo is a nice ball, but I have rarly used it, as well as it's close relation to the Shift (Angularity and hook potential) and the drilling of the thumb has been kinda, bad, so I figure-drop it out.

/\/New Line
Secret (Heavy)(R2S)
Domination (Heavy Med) (R)
Shift (Med)(R2S)
Ace (Med Light)(ACCUTREAD)
Flash Point (Light)(?)
Spare (None)
/\/Now I mentioned that the Ace and Flash Point are a bit strong for there spots.  I figure, giving them a polish with Storm Shine to 3,500 Grit will tame them.  Hitting the Flash Point REALLY hard with it and then the Ace a little bit.

What do you think?  Or should I replace teh Ace and Flashpoint and get some low end Reactor Based balls (Thunderstruck/Tropical) (Two Tropicals-One Med light, one light) (Something else)

Let me know what you think!


AIM: chief damarus

Edited on 8/10/2007 8:59 AM

Edited on 8/10/2007 9:01 AM

Edited on 8/10/2007 9:03 AM

Edited on 8/10/2007 9:05 AM



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Re: Ball Aresnal
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 03:10:35 PM »
I would say drop the ace and flash point and get a thunderstruck pearl or t-road pearl to replace the flash point, and get a spit fire or fired up for medium. That should be a bit better for u.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Ball Aresnal
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 03:39:25 PM »
Aside from those suggestions, also the T-Road Solid and Special Agent are options as well for heavier oil volumes when you need a solid reactive that has plenty of hitting power and gets into a strong roll.