Not so much about having something between the 2. You need a a different shape. Marvel Pearl is very good for me when I move in and need a little more pop off the break point compared to my Phase 2.
It all depends on the bowler, and how they throw the ball. Marvel pearl is better for clean backends and either a decent volume up front, or a slicker oil, for me, as it is really smooth becasue of the stronger cover. Definitely not a carrydown ball for me; and that is with a layout that has a slower transition. Fast transition layouts on the Marvel Pearl, forget about it (again, for me).
Dare Devil, however, will make the turn when the oil in the front of the lane starts getting used (weaker cover than the Marvel Pearl), and the backends tighten up. I actually will start with a Marvel pearl on fresh, then switch to Dare Devil.
There is a very big difference in potential flare between the Marvel Pearl, and IQ 30. Marvel Pearl with surface rolls almost as heavy as my Phaze II.
I have, and still throw all of the above balls. Just speculating though, but the SonIQ that is due out in December, may just be a carrydown killer, if you want to wait a bit.