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Author Topic: ball drilling finger tip style  (Read 829 times)

raiderman 808

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ball drilling finger tip style
« on: March 09, 2007, 06:19:51 AM »
Hello,I am a slow throwing lefty who wants a medium arc.I recently purchased a storm shift.I am going to get this one done fingertip style.I recently did this with a new spare ball and found it to my liking and about 20 extra pins.The man who drills my balls always ask before drilling. Straight ball are  easy theres nothing to say.I have never had a aggressive finger tip ball. If he does ask ,I am not sure what to say.Could someone please give me some info.



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Re: ball drilling finger tip style
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 06:51:30 PM »
Layout #3 (Sport Shot) is the mosy likely to give you an arc reaction, I'll let someone who knows more get into more detail though.

EDIT: no more watching TV while I type...

Edited on 3/9/2007 7:48 PM