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Author Topic: Ball for carrydown  (Read 2598 times)


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Ball for carrydown
« on: May 01, 2007, 01:31:50 PM »
Started a summer mixed league with my girl tonight, and ran into the same problem I always have in mixed leagues.  I average around 220 and started the night out with a 256 using my fired up.  As usual, alot of the people in this league just throw down the middle which creates problems for me in game two and three (no need to mention the scores!)  So anyway, I still have my credit in the pro shop to use and thought maybe I could go for something that would work for carrydown and maybe even a few of the PBA shots coming up this summer.  Any suggestions?


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Ball for carrydown
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2007, 09:54:06 AM »
Nothing like having a good old Pyro in the bag for those transitional periods..To bad they are getting rid of it.

Think about it though...  They discontinued the Pyro and the Double Agent.  That leaves what particle pearls?  Just the Shift?  I am thinking we will see the R2S particle pearl on another ball soon.

If anything they could pull a "Wizard" on the Double Agent and just re-release it under a different name with some non poo-vomit coloration.

Of course an R2S particle pearl in the Thunder Line or Fire Line would be just as nice.
Thunderstruck $olid

Edited on 5/10/2007 9:53 AM