Recently drilled up T solid.
.. P
I'm a tweener with a high track ( within a inch of thumb) 325 Rev Rate 17MPH (CATS)
The ball just doesnt do anything. Goes down the lane but never makes a turn or arc, or anything. Also clips thumb hole frequently. You can hear it down lane. My question is this if I add a weight hole on my PAP will that stabilize the ball earlier in the lane and hopefully get the ball to do something. Will it also pull the track away from the thumb so I won't get the clipping. Maybe put one above the PAP on the VAL. Would changing the surface to something higher then the 1000 box be better? Any help would be greatly appreciated , I'm dying here.
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:27 AM
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:27 AM
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:28 AM
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:28 AM
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:43 AM
Edited on 8/24/2007 8:52 AM