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Author Topic: Ball Help  (Read 1201 times)


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Ball Help
« on: December 12, 2006, 12:58:45 AM »
Ok, I need some opinions.  My father is in his 60's now, and doesn't throw the ball as well as he used too.  I am in search of a piece of equipment that could work with someone who turns the ball, and throws it slow.  He grew up always turning the ball with Plastic and can't get out of the habit.  Currently I have a Big Hit for him, which most of the time he could use that, just doesn't get much carry.  We also switched him to 14 #.  He is ready to quit, but I don't think he should, just need the right combination.  My thoughts are getting maybe a propin ball, and drill it with a controlled arc, which would allow length and a nice non-violent reaction.  I also believe he needs a ball with a good weight block to help him carry.  I only use Storm, but for my Dad, anything would work, as I think he could use something with a Higher Rg, which Storm seems to stay lower with that.  Any suggestions from the Storm nation would be greatly appreciated, and would help a bowler who bowled all his life, stay in the game.....



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Re: Ball Help
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 09:19:16 AM »
Ok, right now, I am think a solid Jolt, with a 4-5 in pin, drilled with the number 4 Advanced drill pattern.  Would that be enough ball, or should we try something else....


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Re: Ball Help
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 10:20:18 AM »
I buy almost exclusively Storm - but as far as I'm concerned they no longer make any balls that meet your needs.  The Jolt Solid is much stronger than advertised and IMO it would be too strong of a ball for your father.  

I've drilled up Scout Reactives for a couple of seniors and that ball seems to fit the bill for slow speed with some hand.  Since the cover is extremly week it doesn't overreact, but I think the hit / carry will be similar to his Big Hit.

The last thought I have for you is a Jolt Pearl sanded up to 2000 grit with an Abralon.  I bought a Jolt Pearl for my teenage daughter (also 14lb) as a step down ball from her Dark Thunder and the ball turned really hard in the backend - almost to the point of uncontrollable.  After using 2000 grit Abralon and lightly sanding the ball it has turned into a great lighter oil smooth arc ball.


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Re: Ball Help
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 10:29:59 AM »
pm sent

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Re: Ball Help
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 11:27:53 AM »
Interesting on the 2000 abralon theory....Thanks Greenefam.  I will also research your request bigz, thanks Just trying to keep Pops happy...


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Re: Ball Help
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2006, 02:55:11 PM »
using 2000 grit Abralon and lightly sanding the ball

Sorry, I just realized I stated this incorrectly.  2000 Abralon + light polish.  The ball is long and smooth but still hits strong.  Kind of like a tamer original X-Factor.