
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: bowlingforfun on February 10, 2005, 01:06:12 PM

Title: Ball Question??
Post by: bowlingforfun on February 10, 2005, 01:06:12 PM
I have a Depth Charge right now, Drilled 4 1/2 BY 4 1/2 And i throw with to much speed an not enough hand for the speed. I need a ball to react alot sooner cause I feel alot more on when i can throw with alittle more speed.  I was gping to get a Storm solid reactive ball but don't know whitch one to get the  XTREME or the Vertigo. Any suggestions?? i know this post is vague but i just want to know the real differences between the 2.
Title: Re: Ball Question??
Post by: bowlingforfun on February 11, 2005, 06:12:43 AM
Title: Re: Ball Question??
Post by: charlest on February 11, 2005, 09:20:59 AM

I hope you took what Greg said seriously. He is right. But let me take another approach. Do you want another ball as an alternative to your Depth Charge? If that is true, then either the Xtreme or the Vertigo will suffice and they are nto that different from one another. One is the replacement for the other. Or you could get another Depth Charge (if you like that ball a lot), drill it stronger for an earlier roll and adjust the cover if that turns out to be necessary. An Ace is also analternative; drill it stronger than your DC and adjust the cover with a nylon pad, as Greg suggested, if it istill nt strong enough. ANy of these possibilities should work.
Title: Re: Ball Question??
Post by: hammermike2000 on February 11, 2005, 02:19:45 PM
MMike1053 -

Looking at my depth charge, there is no RAD.

Just thought that I would point that out to you.
