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Author Topic: Barbed wire verses razor wire  (Read 861 times)

Roger Clausen

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Barbed wire verses razor wire
« on: April 16, 2007, 07:53:48 AM »
Which of these two balls works best on light oil conditions...I'm getting old so my ball speed s down to about 12mph but still turn it about 290 to 300 rpm's. looking for a ball that I can play down and in with sith good roll and hit.  Havea razor wire now which Ilike because to heavy roll and arc to the pocket. I would like to get another with a longer pin or a barbed wire..which would be the better for me and he condition I'm facing???

All any any reolies appreciated.

Sinceely,  Dr, "C"



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Re: Barbed wire verses razor wire
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 03:59:03 PM »
The differen beteen the Razor and Barbed wire is in the coverstock. The Razor (purple one i believe) is a solid resin cover, where the Barbed Wire (blue/black) is a pearlized resin. The reaction difference is that the Razor is more earlier hooking and smoother at the breakpoint. The Barbed is going to puch farther down the lane and snap a little harder.

If you have a Razor, and you speed is getting slower, i would go with a Barbed Wire (if you can find one) witha long pin high above the fingers to make sure it pushed down the lane. Because you say you still have near 300 RPM it will deffinatly turn the corner.
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Re: Barbed wire verses razor wire
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 07:03:18 PM »
I know a little about this because i went through the same dilemma before buying one of them.  

The barbed wire is solid (proglide) as the razor is.  They both have the same core, a thunderesc core (some wedge that makes it asymmetrical).  They one difference is that the barbed is at 1500 grit polished, and the razor is 800 grit matte.  

I bought a barbed wire.  I dont remember the exact layout somewhere in the middle of the road in terms of strength.  My barbed wire was squirty at best, to much reaction on dry and oil scared it to death.  I didnt play with the surface to much so it might have helped but i was in the process of switching weights.  Just my 2 cents, hope it could be of some use.
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Re: Barbed wire verses razor wire
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 07:17:10 PM »
Razor was very much like a smooth solid.  It reacted smoothly and strongly to dry!  But didn't seem to kick much!


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