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Author Topic: Blue Hot Flame vs. Orange Bubble Gum Flame  (Read 4109 times)

Ric Clint

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Blue Hot Flame vs. Orange Bubble Gum Flame
« on: August 07, 2004, 02:09:59 PM »

What's the difference between the 2? Which is longer, which is cleaner in drier heads, and which has more backend?

Were they the same ball but just different colors? Or 2 completely different balls?


There's 3 of the Storm Hit's out there right now (not the Big Hit's, as they handle more oil than the regular Hit's do)... The 3 HIT's are "blue pearl", "red pearl", and "purple pearl".

Are all 3 of these HIT's the same exact ball with just different colors... or does each one do something different? Did Storm just make 3 of the same ball with different colors just so the customer could choose which color he/she liked best?

I'm needing to get one of these to go above my 3500-5000 grit polished Lane #1 XXXL.

Also... I'm guessing that the BIG HIT's are stronger than the Blue Hot Flame and Orange Bubble Gum Flame... but are the regular HIT's the same exact ball as the Blue Hot Flame and Orange Bubble Gum Flame? Did the HIT's just simply replace the Blue Hot and Orange Flame?



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Re: Blue Hot Flame vs. Orange Bubble Gum Flame
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2004, 11:13:31 PM »
Thanks for the info about the BARRAGE!

It seems that this may be the ball that I need for drier lanes?

I just thought that since the BARRAGE had a Diff. of like .033 that it would flare too much for dry lanes... is that not the case? And plus the info on the ball on said the ball could flare up to 4" so I thought how in the world could this be a dry lane ball?

So are you saying that this ball is actually weaker than it's specs make it out to be?

4" may be a slight exaggeration. I easily get 2-3" on mine max and i usually get many more flare rings than average on most of my strongly drilled balls.
My Barrage has its pin approximately 4 1/4 - 41/2" from my axis point.

Seeing as how the coverstock is 65% - 80% of a ball's reaction and the ONLY specs we get about a ball involve the core, how can you tell anything about a ball knowing only about the core? See what I'm getting at?

I have no idea what the coverstock of the Barrage actually is. All I know is how mine have reacted. I have had a 16 lb one with one drilling and 2 surfaces, I have had a 15 lb on with 2 drillings and 2 surfaces to each drilling. What I said above, regarding its performace, holds true today.

I really did sell my much loved Blue Hot Flames, after using the Barrage enough to learn its character.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Ric Clint

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Re: Blue Hot Flame vs. Orange Bubble Gum Flame
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2004, 02:51:41 AM »
Thanks Charlest!

The Barrage may what I'm looking for after all. I trust your judgement on ball reactions - and always have.

Stay tuned...