So have a fellow team mate that is looking at getting a new bowling ball, maybe 2. He's been bowling for just over a year now. His current equipment is a Smash Zone that he got used, so its pretty dead. And a Gamebreaker which he also got used, also pretty dead. He's around a 170 average right now and is on the college team, so he is getting quite a bit of coaching. Has probably around a 25 degree axis tilt I believe (end over end). Speed dominant, with a speed of around 15-16 mph and a rev rate of probably around 200-225 RPM.
He really doesn't know what he's looking for and just wants some suggestions for a good solid ball he could get. preferable something for a medium to medium heavy THS. So if there are any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Right now he's looking at a Reign Supreme. Positives or negatives on that?
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Taken from DesiderataProud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products