Your specific stats will affect which ball is best for your needs but I will say that I have been extremely impressed with my Nano's versatility. I have tried it on 3 different house conditions: fresh oil with stripped backends, 2nd shift with moderate carrydown, and just your everyday dry shot from lots of bowling.
I have also tried it at box finish (which is more like 1000 abralon than the advertised 500/4000), true 4000 abralon, 2000 plus Reacta Shine, and my current (and favorite) 1500 Sia with Black Magic Polish.
I have been able to play this ball with each mentioned surface and lane condition. On the fresh shot with clean backends I was able to play 5th arrow, setting the ball down around 38, with a breakpoint of 5. Some shots went brooklyn if I slowed my speed too much. Bottom line, the ball didn't quit.
As for the Marvels: more of a driving arc but tremendous midlane read and for me, the best ball to score high with because it is so consistent. Hope this helps!