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Author Topic: building an aresnal  (Read 870 times)


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building an aresnal
« on: November 23, 2007, 09:58:55 AM »
I've been out of bowling for a while now due to a arm injury and I'm now making a return i was thinking of attitude shift, shift, surefire,and secret agent to fill out arsenal ball speed is now around 15mph and no longer a cranker more of a stroker up the back of the ball any recommendations to set these up for light to heavy i was thinking attitude for heavy shift for med to heavy surefire light to dry and the secret for those wet dry conditions that give you that over under reaction. calling on you storm bowlers for help.



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Re: building an aresnal
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 06:39:11 PM »
I like your lineup but I'd change out the Sure Fire for a T-road Pearl.  Sure Fire is too close to the Shift and the T-Road will give you more angle on a drier shot.