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Author Topic: calling all storm guys  (Read 3424 times)


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calling all storm guys
« on: January 28, 2013, 07:51:49 PM »
Hey guys I know I often ask a lot of questions and I appreciate every bit. I'm just trying to stay. Updated on equipment because I would like to know about every ball to date.
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
Testing: MVP
Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl



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Re: calling all storm guys
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 07:58:58 PM »
I'll start things with the Storm Hy-Road.  It uses the proven R2S hybrid cover and the Inverted Fe2 symmetrical core.  OOB finish is 1500 polished and it works on medium to medium-heavy patterns. 

This ball just recently celebrated its 4th birthday.  Every time Storm tries to discontinue it, there is nothing that can truly replace how much of a benchmark type ball it is.  It's just that good with all types of styles and is very predictable.  I've had my Hy-Road for about a year now and I'm really glad I bought it.  It bailed me out on a tougher 43 ft shot last night.
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: calling all storm guys
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 08:52:59 PM »
I know for certain its time to update my equipment and I'm in great need of a truly reliable benchmark. How is that hy road? Is it really as good as people say? I was going to get a storm tropical heat indigo if possible. But I'm worried storm will retire the hy road if I wait too long. My frantic can hold its own on a broken down pattern after shooting another 260+ game with it. But shooting score with it on a fresh shot is impossible with a mild layout bowling ball. Lastly what is more beneficial? A vg nano, lucid, sync, defiant, etc as a super hooking bowling ball? I want the hardest arc off the end of a pattern even if that means a double thumbed symmetric. By the way, with storm retiring the heat solid and roto grip terminating the shooting star, what will replace the low end solids? Thanks in advance for the great piece of advice I know I am going to receive!
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
Testing: MVP
Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl


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Re: calling all storm guys
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 10:38:33 PM »
I know for certain its time to update my equipment and I'm in great need of a truly reliable benchmark. How is that hy road? Is it really as good as people say? I was going to get a storm tropical heat indigo if possible. But I'm worried storm will retire the hy road if I wait too long. My frantic can hold its own on a broken down pattern after shooting another 260+ game with it. But shooting score with it on a fresh shot is impossible with a mild layout bowling ball. Lastly what is more beneficial? A vg nano, lucid, sync, defiant, etc as a super hooking bowling ball? I want the hardest arc off the end of a pattern even if that means a double thumbed symmetric. By the way, with storm retiring the heat solid and roto grip terminating the shooting star, what will replace the low end solids? Thanks in advance for the great piece of advice I know I am going to receive!

The Frantic actually uses the exact same hybrid cover that's found on the Hy-Road.  That being said, the Hy-Road is going to be a bit stronger, as it should due to the different symmetrical core.  The Hy-Road is one of those benchmark pieces that is special.  On Medium shots, it's a house killer.  Drill it slightly stronger and it will work on some medium-heavy patterns as well.  If you like your Frantic, think of the Hy-Road as a stronger version of that.

On the fresh, it depends on the volume and your game.  If you are speed dominant and bowl on the flood, then you will want to look at a Nano, Vivid, or the Roto Grip Defiant.  Those 3 balls will be among the strongest that you can buy.  The Storm Sync coming out is going to be even stronger than all of those and has more of a midlane continuous motion compared to the backend type motion of the Nano.

I've thrown both the Nano and the Defiant.  I personally prefer the Defiant since it has more of a hard arc motion compared to the Nano, which is more angular.  Either one though will easily handle heavy volume.  One person throws the Vivid in our house and it also does a good job, being just slightly weaker than the Nano or Defiant.

If you are more rev dominant or throw slower speed, the Marvel Pearl or Lucid can work out well.  There not as strong as the others mentioned but do fit those styles pretty well.

For lower end solids, you can probably still find the Shooting Star as it was just discontinued recently.  I know the shop I buy from still has the Critical Theory available and that was discontinued around the same time.  Your best bet may be to check the online pro shops.  But I haven't really heard of any lower end solids coming out at this point.
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: calling all storm guys
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 01:37:51 AM »
I've tossed almost all of the super-hookers from team Utah.  I've owned all 3 Defiants, Critical Theory, Lucid, and both VG Nano's.  I also got to toss the Sync at a Matchmaker, but don't own one yet.  It should, based on the cover and the core numbers, be the "strongest" out of them all. 

If you are looking for a hard arc, I would personally choose the Defiant solid.  It hooks a ton, but is not jumpy on the back.  The Nano solid is quite similar, with a bit more angularity.  I haven't used the Soul enough yet to give honest feedback, but I can see it being my favorite out of all the balls mentioned.  The Critical is a ton of ball, but probably the most angular out of them all.  It has a great reaction for an oiler.

I may get some grief for mentioning this, but I would also consider the IQ Tour.  I know that it is supposed to be "weaker" than everything mentioned, but I have found it to be as much ball as anything else I own.  It has the benefit of being super smooth the whole way down the lane, making it easy to read.  With some surface, it truly is a monster.  It is one of my favorite pieces, but it tends to get overlooked as an oiler due to the core numbers. 

Keep in mind that all this is based off my game, with my layouts and choices of surfaces.  What works well for me may not for you.  I'm just giving you the feedback from my personal experiences.  Good luck!

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