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Author Topic: Can anyone compare the thunderstrucks to the old blue thunder for me?  (Read 757 times)


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I have been looking at the thunderstruck series for a few weeks and happened to come across a guy with an old blue thunder with VERY low games.

  Being as the weightblocks looked very similar, and the price was right, I got it and slugged the thumb for re-drill.

   The ball is drilled pin under ring, stacked with the cg 1 1/2 inches below.  I think I am in love with this ball and am wanting to get into the thunderstrucks worse than ever now, so please, if you are able, compare this old ball with the new thunderstrucks for me, PLEASE?


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Re: Can anyone compare the thunderstrucks to the old blue thunder for me?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 10:11:43 PM »
The thunder strucks use the same block as the black thunder (solid cover) and the blue thunder (pearl cover).  The T-road pearl also uses the same block, but it is inverted.

I bought the thunder struck solid to replace a black thunder, I get the same reaction shape, but the new cover stock (reactor) is a bit stronger than the old  one (curlyon sp?).

If you want a straight replacement for the Blue thunder, I would ask your local pro shop operator about the thunder struck pearl (the red one).