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Author Topic: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!  (Read 14380 times)


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Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:50:51 AM »
Hello bowling family!
First I would like to say that I love the Timeless and it is my first Storm ball also its the first one I touched and threw. As you can see by my weapons I throw Hammer. I am a new bowler that throws two handed. I stand on the 35 and aim for the 15. I can not hit the pocket with the Timeless. I moved to the right some boards and the ball still goes brooklyn. I even went to the 40. The conditions of the house shot was heavy. The ball is drilled for a no thumb lay out from Radical which all of my balls are drilled .
So I threw my Scandal, Scandal Pearl and my Red legend pearl standing on 35 and aiming at 15 and it goes in the pocket. I know the Timeless is not stronger then either Scandals. I do not know about RLP. all balls are drilled the same (aggressive). Is there anything else I can try.I added speed,lowered speed etc. Could it be that the rest of the balls are 14 and the Timeless is 15? I know a video can tell all and I will go to the lanes tomorrow if there any lanes and take a video and post it.
On a side note: The ball smell great!
Thanks for all the help in advance.
My Weapons for WAR: 15LBS. Hammer Black Widow Gold, Storm IQ Tour, Storm Timeless, Storm Drive, Hammer Black Urethane, Hammer Gauntlet.  Gold Widow Spare



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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2017, 02:46:21 PM »
Man O' man! Those last few videos that didn't make the cut, really tell a story.

This ball will really be a 50-50 crap shoot, depending on the operator!
I'm confounded a bit to be honest.  On our shot, we didn't see over/under, mostly over.  So it looks like the ball needs more volume.  On the other hand, I don't think it looked all that great on TV in the last couple of shows on the tough shots.  Personally, I am not sure where this would fit in my arsenal.  It covers more boards than anything else I have but I couldn't slot it in the "big" side of the bag really. 
I haven't seen many locally yet to give a broader sense of more bowlers but from the 5 we had, the high rev guys had a really good look.  As a tweener, while carry was phenomenal for me, to be honest I have no desire to have to play as deep as I had to play in the video. 
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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2017, 02:52:05 PM »
I'll put my snap lock up for trade to try the timeless. Anyone??....Bueller, Bueller, ....Bueller
Snap lock-16
Code black-16
Eternal cell-16

Jesse James

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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2017, 03:08:34 PM »
Man O' man! Those last few videos that didn't make the cut, really tell a story.

This ball will really be a 50-50 crap shoot, depending on the operator!
I'm confounded a bit to be honest.  On our shot, we didn't see over/under, mostly over.  So it looks like the ball needs more volume.  On the other hand, I don't think it looked all that great on TV in the last couple of shows on the tough shots.  Personally, I am not sure where this would fit in my arsenal.  It covers more boards than anything else I have but I couldn't slot it in the "big" side of the bag really. 
I haven't seen many locally yet to give a broader sense of more bowlers but from the 5 we had, the high rev guys had a really good look.  As a tweener, while carry was phenomenal for me, to be honest I have no desire to have to play as deep as I had to play in the video.

I think this is a valid assessment. I think this ball is so unique as to really be useful to a niche group of players.....the crankers! The average joe is gonna be real disappointed when they realize they can't really control it. Just saying

(even if Diandra Asbaty did look good rolling it, LOL!)
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2017, 04:44:19 PM »
Man O' man! Those last few videos that didn't make the cut, really tell a story.

This ball will really be a 50-50 crap shoot, depending on the operator!
I'm confounded a bit to be honest.  On our shot, we didn't see over/under, mostly over.  So it looks like the ball needs more volume.  On the other hand, I don't think it looked all that great on TV in the last couple of shows on the tough shots.  Personally, I am not sure where this would fit in my arsenal.  It covers more boards than anything else I have but I couldn't slot it in the "big" side of the bag really. 
I haven't seen many locally yet to give a broader sense of more bowlers but from the 5 we had, the high rev guys had a really good look.  As a tweener, while carry was phenomenal for me, to be honest I have no desire to have to play as deep as I had to play in the video.

I think this is a valid assessment. I think this ball is so unique as to really be useful to a niche group of players.....the crankers! The average joe is gonna be real disappointed when they realize they can't really control it. Just saying

(even if Diandra Asbaty did look good rolling it, LOL!)
The funny thing is I was pretty surprised by how much it hooked for all 5 of us after having watched it on TV and previous youtube videos.  There was that one video where Belmo threw it as a pink and blue prototype.  In our testing, it rolled much more like that for every tester.  Whereas the production piece in other videos looks different.  Maybe the ball is a bit more layout sensitive...

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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2017, 06:27:58 AM »
Very unhappy with mt Timeless! I was looking forward to that ball coming out. Now maybe is the time to sell it!

How much? Haha

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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2017, 07:05:43 AM »
The concensus has been larger Val angles and breaking the surface makes this ball a different monster all together. Doesn't shock me at all. All the ones I've seen with small Val angles are nuts off the spot. On a ths, this is undesirable.

Not standing up for the ball, just saying...

Jesse James

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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2017, 10:21:20 AM »
The concensus has been larger Val angles and breaking the surface makes this ball a different monster all together. Doesn't shock me at all. All the ones I've seen with small Val angles are nuts off the spot. On a ths, this is undesirable.

Not standing up for the ball, just saying...

Ahhhhh! That makes sense! I have a lot of my equipment laid out that way, just so it can slow down coming around that corner! No skid-snap!
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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2017, 10:24:46 AM »
The concensus has been larger Val angles and breaking the surface makes this ball a different monster all together. Doesn't shock me at all. All the ones I've seen with small Val angles are nuts off the spot. On a ths, this is undesirable.

Not standing up for the ball, just saying...
Seeing mostly the same thing here expect the shorter VAL ones seem to just fly threw the breakpoint and not be a strong enough cover (in most cases) to finish.
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
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Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2017, 10:41:53 AM »
Went 4x4x2 on mine with a weight hole roughly on my PAP. The ball was a little sensitive on slight misses left/right and on speed differnces at box finish. A little too much over/under. But it was not a horrible reaction. I had it taken down with a 3000 pad over the shine. Definitely an improvement. Might consider going to 2000 to smooth it out just a tad more.

It's definitely nowhere close to a bad ball in my hands, and I'm not throwing 2 handed (although I used to and still can). I do play right with some decent speed though. Moderate rev rate. Low tilt and lower-medium axis rotation. I don't like it as much as my NRP, but I've put up some decent scores/series since getting it last tuesday.

Impending Doom

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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2017, 11:20:12 AM »
I've also recently found out that it's 1500 polished. That explains EVERYTHING!!!


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2017, 01:51:34 PM »
It definitely needs oil and needs no help from a layout to get it to corner . .
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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2017, 08:58:55 PM »
I was wrong regarding the Timeless. I took the cover off of it. Now it is more predictable then it was before! That is a ball bowlers should have in the bag!


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2017, 12:50:39 PM »
I would like to spark a converation without spamming the forums with this ball. If it makes the OP upset, I'll start another one.

Am I the only one that doesn't see Hy-Road out of this ball? Almost seems like a bigger Lights Out especially when using bigger VAL angles and breakinf the surface.
League: Pitch Purple, Destiny Magenta
Testing: MVP
Interests: Black Widow, Proof Solid, Idol Pearl


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2017, 02:59:11 PM »
I don't as well, IZPS or whatever his screenname is is right on the money this ball acts more like a Rocket on steroids, when I look at the reaction of this ball (Bowled against 2 people in the past 2 weeks throwing it) it clears the fronts, then picks up nicely in the mids, with a strong, yet smooth, continuous motion through the pins.

Nothing like the hyroad at all, and in my eyes, will ONLY benefit bowlers' with high revs, with just enough ball speed; Good ball, but but nothing special that's not already out or been out before. Just my 2 cents.


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Re: Can not hit the pocket with the Timeless!
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2017, 03:51:50 PM »
I was wrong regarding the Timeless. I took the cover off of it. Now it is more predictable then it was before! That is a ball bowlers should have in the bag!

What surface are you using now? Mine is way too strong in the backend + unpredictable with the box finish..