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Author Topic: Changing the T-Road Pearl Surface  (Read 855 times)


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Changing the T-Road Pearl Surface
« on: May 28, 2008, 09:01:31 PM »
I'm bowling on a dry house shot this summer and was wondering if anyone has had experience changing the surface of a T-Road Pearl? I was thinking of changing it from the 1500 grit box finish to a 4000 grit surface and then polishing it. Any experience in this area. Thanks!



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Re: Changing the T-Road Pearl Surface
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 07:46:30 PM »
I have mine at 2000 abralon with polish, woorked the best for me, 4000 with polish went a little too long before hooking to the pocket, often coming in behind the head pin.  2000 gave me the read I'm looking for when playing 5 to ten board with a small swing.  

The ball carried better because it did not go down the lane as far, and it wasn't as touchy vs 4000 plus polish.  

My T Road Pearl is a condition ball (SKID/FLIP) for me when the heads get fried and I have carry down down lane.  I can't go inside because most balls will not recover (due to carry down), but I can go outside and fire it up the 5 to 10 board and get it to slide just enough to get it through the heads.