
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: deuceman300 on April 12, 2005, 01:07:27 AM

Title: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: deuceman300 on April 12, 2005, 01:07:27 AM
what cleaner is suggested for the Monsoon cover?
What's in my bag?
Eraser Blaze PBT (300 - 842) 4/11/04
Eraser Banshee (299 - 804) 3/1/05

Caught in the STORM!!!!
Title: Re: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: Brickguy221 on April 12, 2005, 10:23:19 AM
I used to use Neo Tac Liquid Nitro on my Triple X and if out of the Liquid Nitro, I would use a 50-50 mixture of Simple Green and water. Both do an excellent job. Since it is so cheap and does an excellent job, I now use only the Simple Green-Water mixture.
Owner of a 129 game bowled with a Brunswick Impulse Zone.
Title: Re: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: STORM_REV-UP on April 14, 2005, 10:19:41 PM
simple green all the way..with water is also a good idea..(50-50)
Storm RoCkS !!! Anything else: Your Resistance is futile...
i USE:
STORM HotRod Hybrid
Title: Re: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: dirtbikebowler on April 15, 2005, 11:46:13 PM
just buy storm reacta clean or storn reacta shine depending if its dull or polished.
Taking over the lanes with Mother Nature!

Storm Baby!

Title: Re: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: Brickguy221 on April 16, 2005, 01:39:55 AM
just buy storm reacta clean or storn reacta shine depending if its dull or polished.

I have tried these and they don't clean ball nearly as good as Simple Green and Water or Tracks Clean & Dull.

Owner of a 129 game and a 486 series bowled with a Brunswick Impulse Zone.
Title: Re: Cleaner for Monsoon cover
Post by: azguy on April 16, 2005, 06:40:10 AM
I have used a mixture od Simple Green and water with a splash of alcohol , to clean all mine and my wife's balls. I use it on my teammates' balls as well. I find it is cheaper, most folks have it around the house and the smell is not that bad.
I use Clean n dull (for my paying) customers but will always hit the ball with the simple green & water mixture just for good measure. I have found it will get most everything off the ball, oil, dirt, belt marks, bad games..oh, sorry... but I use it and like it. Storm's cleaners are OK, but I have found you have to really rub hard to get the ball clean. It might be that our lanes are that dirty and yours might not be, but either product is good.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Sleep is over rated.