I'm sorry, I had to read this thread again to see if I really saw what I thought I saw. And I did.
ithinkican, do you read what you post or do you just post to hear yourself talk? You claim that the Nano Pearl is too strong for you and you can't throw it except when there is a lot of oil (which means you must have like 13mph ball speed or 500 RPMS, I am betting more on the 13MPH, cause my Nano Pearl is no hook monster on oil), and yet you are screaming, yes screaming thanks to the caps, about Storm putting out a Hybrid. A Hybrid will be smoother than a Pearl, but in case you didn't know, and apparently you don't, it will also hook more than a pearl. So how do you expect to throw this great new Hybrid you want, when you can't throw a Nano Pearl now?

To quote ESPN......C'mon Man!