Ok, I've had 4 different surfaces on it now, and it's not helping one bit. I bowled a tournament with a looong pattern reverse block today, and it did the same thing it does on a house shot. I threw a couple shots with it in the high concentration of oil outside, and it still wasn't revving up or hitting at all. I ended up using my Depth Charge, it revved up and had a monster backend, and it doesn't hook NEAR as much as my Vertigo does. My Triple Xtreme was reacting nice too. I've had box, 1500 grit polish, green scotchbrite (600 grit?) and 1500 grit wetsand on it. The backends were kinda strong though, so I think it was still burning up too much when it hit the dry, but I haven't even had particle balls that were this touchy. I've had a stacked Detonator that rolled awesome, and as far as big hooking solids, I had a stacked Strike Zone that rolled great, both of my stacked Super Charges were incredible, Trauma ER, Shock Trauma, etc. If I could sell it to somebody and get a decent enough amount to just buy another Super Charge, I'll do that. It's got a nice little gash in the track now though, so that knocks the resale value down quite a bit. I really don't like fully plugging and redrilling stuff, but I don't quite want to give up on it yet. I wanted a ball that was going to hook though, and if I redrill it, it's going to be quite a bit weaker, and I'd probably have overlap with my Triple Xtreme. Suggestions?
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!