how would you like to cut down the number of 10pins left per night?

Thats what happend to me when i switched to storm.. My # of ten pins left per night went down by atleast 30% and its been this way since 97? Even now, I might leave 1 or 2 tenpins per night, maybe 3 or 4 if i am throwing the ball bad...
If anything, my # of solid 9pins went up, but that was because I always threw a stong ball with alot of revs, but i would rather shoot at 9pins than 10pins.
As for changing the coverstock, I've never had a problem with changing the coverstock and bringing it back to OOB. It might not be exactly the same, but the reaction is still very similar.
Generally for me, thats one of the first things i do with a ball after a game or two of practice with said ball, if i dont like the reaction, i'll either polish it up or give it some surface. I've only had a couple storm balls that i didnt change the surface on, and one was the X-factors, OG, and Reloaded, and the Power Charge Pearl, and Virtual Gravity. All the others i've changed up the coverstock a bit.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "