Did you adjust the coverstock on the Gravity Shift? The OOB polish on Storm balls will never handle oil very well for most bowlers. The best reaction I got from mine was using Valentino Bowling's Resurrection product to rough up the surface, then polishing it lightly by hand with Snake Oil. This gave it a nice midlane read and arching backend I could switch to once my Dimension started to hook too early. I have since replaced the Gravity Shift with a Second Dimension, and I adjusted the Second Dimension to 2000 abralon plus a coat of Snake Oil polish applied by hand. This gives me a reaction that's about three boards stronger than the Gravity Shift, but more similar in shape to the Dimension, which gives me better carry than most asymmetric equipment. (OOB, the Second Dimension was oil-allergic and very skid-snap, but this surface adjustment really brought it to life)