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Author Topic: Cracking Balls  (Read 5794 times)


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Cracking Balls
« on: February 20, 2006, 02:35:07 PM »
I don't normally get on this site but I was shocked by all the issues I see with cracking balls from Storm. Is this still a problem because I am in the market to get another Ace and either the Paradigm or the Passion?

Just Stormin' through!
Just Stormin' Through!!



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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 12:14:03 PM »
Storm has delayed the release of the Passion in order to fix the cracking problems.  Some people say their paradigms have been cracking, but I know 5 other guys in addition to myself with Paradigms and no cracks.


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 03:29:30 PM »
Most of the stuff you read on these forums about balls cracking is nonsense.  More often than not it's someone who doesn't like the company or someone who is intentionally trying to badmouth a ball because of it's success.  My favorite are the people who post thier scores as if it's supposed to be some kind of indication on how good the ball is.

What I'm certain many of these people aren't saying in thier 'cracked ball' posts is that they are leaving thier equipment in thier cars or garage in sub degree weather and then throwing it down a lane at 20 mph or doing something else to the ball that perhaps shouldn't be done.  With all the newer, softer coverstocks out there you really have to be alot more careful with temperature and cover changes.

I've bowled for quite awhile and have owned ALOT of bowling balls and I have yet to have any of my equipment crack.  I'll go even further to say that I've only met one person in all my years bowling leagues and tournaments that had a legit complaint about a ball cracking.  The bottom line here is that you should talk to your local pro shop owner (or local pro) and get his opinion about the ball if you really think it's going to crack.

I actually own a paradigm and it's a great piece of equipment.  I also know a bunch of other people that are very happy with thier purchase.


Edited on 2/21/2006 4:19 PM

Edited on 2/21/2006 4:20 PM


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 03:48:23 PM »
I've had the Paradigm since the week before Christmas and no cracks.......yet.

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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2006, 03:50:24 PM »
man i just got a paradigm and shot 299 299 299.  It's an AWESOME ball!!
Shane Soule

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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2006, 03:55:13 PM »
and my friend shot 298 298 298, but then the ball cracked in half after his set.  I'm not worried though, because he left his out in his car on a -40 degree day.
Shane Soule


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 03:59:27 PM »
man i just got a paradigm and shot 299 299 299. It's an AWESOME ball!!

and my friend shot 298 298 298, but then the ball cracked in half after his set. I'm not worried though, because he left his out in his car on a -40 degree day.

Just what this site needs........More Trolls.....

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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2006, 04:01:24 PM »
that was a joke man...sorry
Shane Soule


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2006, 04:03:26 PM »
The passions i am around of the original 4 all of them have had either a cracked bridge like mine or the whole ball. I have the paradigm no cracking problem there but the first batch of passions are not doing so well holding up.


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2006, 06:41:14 PM »
Well I will give you my experience with the Paradigm.  I love the ball don't get me wrong but I have had 2 now that have cracked.

The first had hairline cracks around the weighthole, I thought about just leaving it be but I kept getting worse so I decided to send it back after about 70 games.

I received the next one about a week later.  Drilled it up pretty similarly but with a much smaller weighthole (2.5oz top compared to 3.6 top for the first one).  I set this one aside after throwing it two nights in league.  I wanted to keep it in good shape for a tournament in April.  I kept it in the shop on a rack and it was there for about a month and a half.  I go to look at it last wednesday and it has a very nice crack going up the weighthole and it goes about an inch away from the hole.  This is one of those cracks that will eventually go to the pin or around the ball.  I can assure you that the pin to hole distance is good and every other spec was taken care of.  We have nice sharp bits and the temptrature on the second was constant because it never left the bowling ally.

So I suppose I will send this one back again and hopefully the next one wont crack.  I love the reaction I get with it and I want a passion as well but I will wait until its in the clear.  Hope it all works out, great ball except the cracking.  BTW I know others that have plenty of games on theirs and have had them for a 5 months and have no signs of cracking.  Guess I'm unlucky.

Edited on 2/21/2006 7:28 PM

Edited on 2/21/2006 7:29 PM


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2006, 10:23:50 AM »

Whether you find my post insulting is for you (or whoever else) to decide.  After all, this is a messageboard and one can only convey so much in text.  

If you read alot of the messages here on this board, you'll see that many people are quick to say that a ball cracked without giving any background.  Further, I'm certain if you research on exactly how many balls cracked and went back to the factory in comparison to how many are rolling great, you'd realize that the number is less than 1 percent.  Case and point, the EPX.  Reading these forums you'd think the EPX was created by the devil with the sole intention of luring someone into a bad product.

I know that balls will crack on occasion, but the posts that some people put up make it appear that the every ball in a given product line is defective.

And about the Paradigm, I threw a 301 game with it recently, so it must be good.



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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2006, 04:38:40 PM »
...My point is Jeff you made a generalization about  those who have complained. When multiple people complain about cracking its should be investigated and in another post, Storm IS investigating both the balls in question which is only right. .... A little humility would be appreciated.  

Agreed. Jeff, not to pile on, but we've had similar issues with recent ball releases up here and it can't just be coincidence. One of our local shops sold about 35 Paradigms and all but 1 have cracked. Another shop sold 12 of the EPX and all but two returned... and the EPX doesn't crack, it actually crumbles! Unbelievable... until you see it.

So, I don't think it's nonsense... too much real-world data to support it.

BTW, we've had an extremely mild winter in the Detroit area. We've only just in the last two weeks had a taste up temps below 20*, which is really unusual.

live from the Bowling Capital of the World
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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2006, 11:38:10 PM »
You wonder sometimes about people in general. Like with people who don't like a certain mfg and say bad things about them. Especially on this message board. I bowl three nights a week so I see many bowlers. Seeing what is on the board of so many balls cracking I was worried. I asked around and found only one Paradigm that has cracked. I was also told that if the finger holes are less than 5/8 on a inch this can be subject to cracking.  I e-mailed the Storm reps and was told that the Passion should be good to go when it is released on March 10. Funny how things are. I know that a very limited amount of Passions have been released and on this forum it seems like everyone has one. The Paradigm, I was told has had a minor glitch but it ok now. Thanks for the information on the ball issue. I feel I can get either the Paradigm or the Passion and have no problems.

Just Stormin' through!
Just Stormin' Through!!


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2006, 11:43:41 PM »
Every paradigm (and this is 14+ paradigms) that has been drilled in 2 shops i frequent have cracked near the pin area. But, the good news is storm has replaced every single one of them, even with grips/slugs etc. The paradigms are the ONLY storm balls that i am aware of having major cracking problems in this area.

Edited on 2/24/2006 0:33 AM


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2006, 11:46:26 PM »
All of the new high MB balls have cracking trouble b/c they have to make the coverstock thiner in order to make the core stronger... this is why the paradigms, and Ones have cracking problems
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