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Author Topic: Cracking Balls  (Read 5790 times)


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Cracking Balls
« on: February 20, 2006, 02:35:07 PM »
I don't normally get on this site but I was shocked by all the issues I see with cracking balls from Storm. Is this still a problem because I am in the market to get another Ace and either the Paradigm or the Passion?

Just Stormin' through!
Just Stormin' Through!!



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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2006, 07:48:36 AM »
Hyperthetical question
Are the new storm covers the same thickness all over the ball.
Or are they thinner nearer the pin..
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.....
Beer for the man, white wine fruit based drink for the lady.
Seismic for the man, storm fruit smelling ball for the lady.....
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( . .)


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2006, 08:59:38 AM »
Hey Jeff3614, I understand your point about people being goofballs and just posting stuff but the cracking issues with the Paradigm and Passion are 100% true. I had 2 paradigms and they both cracked.  First one was drilled by a former LPBA bowler who now owns her own shop (cracked from pin to ring finger, then ring finger up after 1st series with it).  Second one cracked in the same way.  I give Storm a lot of credit for replacing the balls no questions asked.  I spoke with people in their tech department and they admitted having an issue with weak coverstocks that has since been corrected.  I personally think the Paradigm is the best ball I've ever used.  Storm sent me one from the new batch and I think it's a winner.  No crack from pin to finger yet.
Tro The Bowler

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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2006, 09:13:40 AM »
Just to throw my experience into the pot: I bought the Paradigm shortly after it was released. It was a great ball, but I did quickly have two cracks pop up, and my ball was kept in a temperature-controlled pro shop at all times. There was no exposure to temperature changes or anything. In any case,  one crack was between the bridge and the other was a hairline crack under the thumb hole. Neither had a detrimental effect on ball performance, but they poppep up nonetheless. Now, I'm not saying that Storm is in any way a bad company, but they do seem to have a problem here. They seem to have recognized that too, and that is why they haven't been sending out any more Paradigms or Passions recently. I understand Jeff's point about some people using issues like this to trash a company, but I don't think it's right to go all the way over to the other side and say that all complaints are baseless either. After all, I think it's good that people share their experiences, both good and bad, so that other users have information to draw from. That is, after all, what this board is here for.
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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2006, 03:18:55 PM »
On the passion cracking, this line was from their tech. services manager in an email to me when I asked about the passions availability:

The Passion will be doing great when it comes out. Luckily the problem was found with just the seed balls instead of a mass release.

He didn't tell me what exactly the problem was, but that there was one.


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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2006, 09:52:52 AM »
I have a paradigm ball and after about 60+ games it cracked.  I was cleaning it before the 10th frame of my last game and noticed a black spot about 1/2" above the bridge.  When it wouldn't wipe off I looked closer and noticed it was a hole.  It "spider-webbed" out from there about 2" in all directions. I brought it back to the proshop and they said that it's been happening alot and that it would take 2 weeks to get it back.  When I first got the ball I noticed 4 small holes in the thumb.  The proshop said this is normal(?)  I talked to another proshop and he said he seen this happen from using too much glue with the inserts and it causes the cover stock to dry out.  I now believe that too much glue was used because my ball never had that strong fruit loop smell.  In fact my buddy said when I first got it that it smelled like glue.  After that long story, my question is about drilling.  I'm still a newbie to bowling (160 avg) and a stroker.  They drilled it with the pin under the ring finger and said it was 5-1/2" off pap.  Should I have it drilled the same way or is there a better layout?  I had to bowl with my friends dad inferno and it seemed to be getting alot more revs.  His pin was above the ring finger.



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Re: Cracking Balls
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2006, 12:30:22 PM »
some times the ball will crack if its left in the cold but every one already knows that but has anybody heard of any other storms craking because Id like to know because Im looking to buy a new storm soon

young guy just trying to have fun bowling