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Author Topic: Cracking Paradigms  (Read 1905 times)


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Cracking Paradigms
« on: January 05, 2006, 03:45:50 PM »
Beleive this or not..... I have had 3 seperate Paradigms crack in 3 weeks time all from the same distributor.

1. Bridge cracked before the ball was ever thrown and it has 3/8" parralell pitches with a brand new drill bit..

2. Ball split from the pin down through the thumb hole about half way around the ball. ball had 3 games on it...

3. Ball has a 1/8" crack starting around the finger hole after 1 week of use.

Better yet, my dist. states that the first 2 balls might not be covered by warranty.. If they do not replace these balls I can guarantee you that I will never sell another STORM ball out of my shop again and will post about the poor customer service provided!!!

BUT.......I have a feeling that Storm will do the right thing and replace them... beans

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Cracking Paradigms
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 05:27:06 PM »
The 3rd ball had cracked all the way to the thumb hole. It isn't the distributors fault about the warranty info. He has to protect himself incase the balls aren't covered by Storm. I am still waiting for the Salesman to arrive at the distributor to OK the replacement of the balls. I will keep everyone informed.  beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Pro Staff Member
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Cracking Paradigms
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 06:27:22 PM »
Beans, I wrote Storm about the Paradigms that are being reported as cracking and I made this post which is an answer from Storm about the cracking thats being reported on the Paradigms. Don't know if you saw it or not. My ball now has around 60 games on it and still shows no signs of cracking.......


Hey Jim,

How are you doing today? As with all high performance balls, the Paradigm, is a little more sensitive to temperature changes due to the difference of densities in the weight block. The cracking could be from; changes in temperature from outside to inside, drilling the holes too fast and/or with dull drill bits, causing excessive heat. Something we've noticed will a lot of cracked balls, is the lack of beveling. Make sure all holes have a good bevel before leaving the proshop and re-bevel holes after resurfacing. Also, these really need the one inch buffer between the pin and any hole. I would also put some of the blame on the grips and slugs. The inconsistency of sizes of slugs, having to pound in the slugs to make them fit. The super glue that holds the grips in does weaken the coverstock. When gluing in the grips, try to glue to the filler, instead of adhering to the coverstock.

I've seen very few come back that I looked at and said, "I have no clue why this cracked." Of course, all the people tell us that the ball wasn't left outside in the trunk or garage over night and all the proshops have their drill bits sharpened in a timely manner..... Out of the Paradigm's sold, less than one percent have come back as defective. Out of those, it's an even smaller number that I couldn't figure out why it cracked. I hope this clears up any worries you might have about your Paradigm. I've had three of these since they came out and nothing but success for me, and I wish the same for you. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

I have always done everything Storm says which is:

Don't leave balls in car or garage
Bevel Holes
Glue finger grips in the filler area
1" buffer between Pin and finger hole
Re-bevel holes if ball is resurfacedEtc.
Sharp Drill Bits
Don't drill too fast
And I have had no cracking problems.........yet

In fact I have always done these things on all of my balls with the exception of the 1" buffer between Pin and finger hole. My Paradigm is 1", but most of my other balls aren't and I have had no cracking problems......(Knock on wood)


Edited on 1/10/2006 7:16 PM
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Re: Cracking Paradigms
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 10:53:08 PM »
no disrespect to storm but I went to the Distributor yesterday 1/10/06 and it was 15 Paradigms with cracks and two were crack in half. it look like they all were from the same lot.
Brunswick proshop staff 2006
Next Level Proshop
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Re: Cracking Paradigms
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 11:07:20 PM »
no disrespect to storm but I went to the Distributor yesterday 1/10/06 and it was 15 Paradigms with cracks and two were crack in half. it look like they all were from the same lot.

So does anyone think Storm is understating the number of cracked balls when they say ...."less than 1 percent?.........Or do some of you think it was a bad batch of balls? I think it may have been a bad batch because some of us have no cracking problems while others do.

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Re: Cracking Paradigms
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 03:59:35 PM »
Less than 1% of Paradigms that Storm has sold….. You have to remember that a ton of these are still on shelves at Distributors and proshops nationwide. I'm sure this number would be greater if we took the percentage of drilled balls only. Of course Storm has no way of knowing how many of the sold balls have actually been drilled.

It’s amazing how many precautions we have to take for something we hurl down the lane at 16 - 20 mph. Please be gentle with it before you throw it at a lot of wood and a wall….