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Author Topic: Cracking Tropical Storms?  (Read 1824 times)


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Cracking Tropical Storms?
« on: September 19, 2009, 05:18:44 AM »
Has anyone else noticed any issues with coverstocks cracking on the tropical storm the past couple years?  I have seen 4 now in last 6 months (ALL 12LBS).

1st - an adult with medical issues has bought a tropical storm about 3 years ago.  Went to pull it out of his closet near end of last season.  It was cracked all way around.  This one I said probably cold, it had sat for about a year there. Ball purchased from previous shop owner.

2nd - a Youth Bowler brings in a ball 3 weeks back during practise day.  12lbs bought about 2 years ago from a shop an hour from our center.  Its cracked all the way around.

3rd - last week another youth bowler brings in her ball.  12lbs purchased 3 years ago from previous shop owner (around same time as 1st ball).  She had left her ball in her locker in the bowling center over the summer.  To find it had cracked all way round at some point.

4th - today another youth bowler comes in.  Again 12lbs cracked all way around.  This ball WAS purchased from our shop ABOUT 12 months ago.  It is VERY close to warranty date.  We have to find sales slip to see.  His was in his bowling bag in his bedroom closet over the summer.

These poor youth bowlers taking a beating on cracked balls, or should I say parents pocket books are. Has anyone else had similar issues with Tropical Storms coverstocks?  As I said 3 of the 4 were not bought from us, but its odd that we have had 4 balls come into the shop cracked in last 6 months.  And EVERY single one was a tropical storm and was 12lbs.

I know previous owner was notorious for buying in BULK and had some of these tropicals around for YEARS on shelf before selling them.  We got 6 or more when we bought the shop.  It was almost all he had as stock when we took over.  Could sitting on the shelf for too long create coverstock issues?  The previous owner sold 3 of the 4 cracked balls!! He owns the shop out of town where ball #2 was purchased.



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Re: Cracking Tropical Storms?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 04:34:12 PM »
I wouldn't blame the coverstock.  With the lighter weight balls like these the intermediate core is what usually swells when exposed to moisture and causes the balls to pop apart like popcorn.

I had a 15# Tropical crack on me, but it was also plugged...

I would be interested to see if these were all from the same batch/year.
If you were both cross-eyed and dyslexic, would you see okay?


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Re: Cracking Tropical Storms?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 08:26:14 PM »
i have a 16 lb green/yellow that had maybe 6 gms on it and put it in my closet(upstairs) and it stayed there for 2-3 yrs and it cracked all the way around..

I bought it at a tournament and i got to lookin at the drilling, which is why i benched the ball. (drilled the beginner layout).  It was also drilled to close to the pin.

Its cracked all around the pin along with all the way around.

guess i should have had it redrilled sooner.