I can't compare all 3 yet. I don't have a Crossroad yet. Hoping some time next week...
Leon's 300 Club Pro Shop
Rocklin, Ca.
Hy-Road: Glides through the heads and reads the mids well. Handles more oil than the Frantic, therefore you can use this ball on a lot of conditions. Used my first one for almost 3 years before buying another one.
Frantic: Easily gets through the fronts, more rolly than the Hy-Road thanks to the core change. The roll change helps this ball blend out patterns yet has that change of direction you need to create the angle to carry.
Crossroad: Will need more head oil than the other two as it reads the mids a touch earlier than the Hy-Road and does not quit when it comes off of the spot. What I like so far is that I have not seen this ball jerk off of the dry as it makes a motion that is readable.
Bakes...Before you throw my ball, know the holes aren't beveled!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
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That is a pretty good summation MrStraightBall
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here: