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Author Topic: Crossroad review from a normal guy  (Read 3161 times)


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Crossroad review from a normal guy
« on: February 07, 2012, 01:20:11 PM »
I won a Crossroad from Storm in one of their facebook competitions, received it a few days ago and finally got it drilled up today.
Was hoping with this ball that I'd put it inbetween my Blue Vibe and Bounty, replacing my Twisted Fury as I have that ball sitting in a storage unit and I was never a huge fan of that ball. Got it drilled up pin under my ring finger looking to get the length from the R2S hybrid cover and still enough pop on the backend from the core.
I got exactly what I was wanting from this ball! Nice, easy length through the heads and a hard roll on the back. Opened up my first game with a 255 and followed up the next 2 games with enough for a 711 series playing around 12-5 on a fresh shot. I'm a stroker/tweener guy, not a lot of hand but enough, 15.5-16 mph on a newer amf system. I can honestly say that I have never had so many messengers in a single series before, pins were flying everywhere. This ball rolls hard into the pocket and doesnt quit, great continuation. Storm nailed this one.

My Arsenal:
Rogue Cell
Twisted Fury
Blue Vibe



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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 06:27:35 PM »
I Love This Ball.
Whenever I took out my Twisted Fury, if I wasnt playing closed angles the ball would not finish. The Crossroad is the exact opposite, it is so strong and smooth that I can get left and trust the ball to get back and kick out the 10. I've been able to take out the Crossroad on mediumish patterns and only have to make small adjustments in a set. In around 20 games with this ball, I feel like im in the pocket every game with multiple 700 sets when I normally average 210-215.
If you want a ball that can provide you a look with great control and continuation without jerking off the dry, the Crossroad is the ball you want.

My Arsenal:
Roto Grip Rogue Cell
900 Global Bounty
Storm CrossRoad
Hammer Blue Vibe


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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 10:01:37 AM »
Thanks for the info. I'm looking at getting this ball to replace my old fired up.

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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 02:17:39 PM »
The Crossroad is an absolute amazing ball!! When I heard it was coming out and it was a cross between the Hyroad and Victory I had to have it. Those are two of my favorite balls of all time. My first four series out of the box with the Crossroad were 750-770-799-791. I have thrown two honor scores with it in those series with a 290 and a 299. If you don't have one of these do yourself a favor and get one. We can't keep them on the shelf at the proshop where I work.


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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 02:31:09 PM »
+1 to Mitch's comments.  I love the HyRoad and Victory Road so I picked up a Crossroad 2 weeks ago and put a weak drill on it with the pin and the CG in the gripline.   I have not fallen in love with it yet but I will say I like it alot as the ball is smooth thru the heads and hits the pin deck like a tank.   The Crossroad definitely beats my Hy Road and Victory Road in terms of control and works best on medium to medium-dry conditions.  Once I have more practice time I am sure I will love it.







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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 09:58:17 PM »
 Im not sure what you guys are seeing, but this ball (Crossroad) is incredibly whippy downlane. I may lightly hit with a pad or drill another pin down. OOB, pin up, with any kind of rotation spells a lot of motion downlane.

”Im a really good bowler, ask Ron”
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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 10:10:22 PM »

 I have a pin down drill, as I was wanting a smoother controlled look on medium conditions and thats what i got. I'm sure if I had drilled it pin up I would have experienced a lot of backend movement like how you are.
northface28 wrote on 3/1/2012 10:58 PM: Im not sure what you guys are seeing, but this ball (Crossroad) is incredibly whippy downlane. I may lightly hit with a pad or drill another pin down. OOB, pin up, with any kind of rotation spells a lot of motion downlane.

”Im a really good bowler, ask Ron”

My Arsenal:
Roto Grip Rogue Cell
900 Global Bounty
Storm CrossRoad
Hammer Blue Vibe


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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 10:44:02 AM »
This is why I am having a hard time getting this ball. Some reports say its pretty smooth others say its not.


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Re: Crossroad review from a normal guy
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2012, 01:01:34 PM »
Re the Twisted Fury(sounds like a failed experiment).  Because this ball was a weaker core(medium diff.36) most bowlers had to drill it stronger than other equipment to get the results they wanted or expected.  


Those who drilled these lower diff balls weakly were quite disappointed those who drilled them real strong seemed to love them!





It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana