Last time I bowled on a house shot that got broken down was a tournament-I'm a jr bowler and in my league there are 3 people to a team and most throw plastic so I don't really have to worry about much but carry down-but I was able to start with a Hy-Road solid, which rolls up pretty much earliest for me, and when that got to be to early I was able to ball up to a crux for more backend and move in, I shot 278 that game which is the game that put me into the cut for that tournament. I made about 4 switches that entire tournament, after the crux, a crux pearl and then a sky rocket after that. I've only been bowling competitively for about a year now and I'm finding it much better to make fewer ball changes and try to stick with the same thing and chase oil until flat tens occur(on a good ball off my hand). Switching can get way to confusing and just put you into a bad spot more often than not, at least for me. As for a league house shots, I can't say much as I don't bowl with people that will really break down the pattern to an extent of me really having to move/switch