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Author Topic: Crux Question  (Read 4123 times)


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Crux Question
« on: December 03, 2014, 01:43:53 PM »
I have had mine for nearly a month and have not drilled it as I cant decide how too. Is there any concerns or warnings anyone would offer?
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2014, 01:50:59 PM »
I wouldn't say concerns or warnings. The only small caveat I would give is that the ball gets some natural push, so don't feel like you necessarily need to drill it for length. I would say just pick your favorite layout and go to town. It's a very nice ball when used on the right conditions.


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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2014, 01:57:34 PM »
   Thanks for the reply but I am surprised by your statement. I have seen several thrown and all of them seem to start early compared to other balls.

    The reason I got this ball is because my bowling center is putting so much oil in the center. And if I get close to the corner I get sever over under when missing front to back.

    I was hoping this ball would start earlier and would there by react more like something sanded than a pearl.

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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2014, 02:13:34 PM »
Not an answer to your question, but just MY experience with the CRUX.  First off, I have relatively slow ball speed, about 12 mph, pretty much balanced in rev and speed.  I had it drilled pin over, sorry, but I don't know too much about drilling specs and all that technical stuff. 
I have been having great difficulty with it at 3 different houses, but the main thing I noticied is that they were all not heavily oiled.  Very over/under, and I was way out of my comfort zone trying too hard to get it to the pocket.  The ball, where ever i would play, would turn very early and most times would overhook.  Basically, what ever adjustments I made wouldn't work consistently for me.  I first threw it OOB, then had it lightly polished.  Too strong still.  Then I re-polished it to give it more shine.  Too strong.  Then i took it to 4000 and polished it like a marble....too strong for me. 

I gave the ball to my son, and switched out the Turbo Switch Grip thumb and on his first game threw a 240 something.  He's 17 btw and throws between 19-20 mph.  He loves this ball.  For me, meh, he can keep it. 

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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2014, 07:57:26 PM »
drilled mine 60*x4x30*
the ball is a beast for me on med/heavy oil on a longer flat pattern. fairly clean in the heads,strong midlane and very strong backend.
compaired to my hyroad oob drilled 4x4 when the crux is a bit to much the hyroad is almost a dart.
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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2014, 08:59:58 AM »
LOL at 6 pack.... "a dart". Great phrase.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2014, 10:51:40 AM »
Pin Chaser,

The Crux is a very strong ball, and, for me, it handles medium to heavy patterns very well. I just used it this past weekend on ABT Pattern #10, which is 48 ft. long with a ratio of under 2:1. It worked nicely on that pattern, so please don't think I'm saying that the Crux isn't good in oil because I think it is.

However, as I said before, for me, even with the pin-down drilling, the ball clears the heads, which is something that many "heavy oil balls" do not. The Crux starts digging in the midlane is unbelieveablely continuous through the pins. I've never had a ball that just keeps on digging and hooking the way the Crux does. However, there are other balls that grab the lane sooner than the Crux. In comparison, I think that the Hyper Cell (in most hands) reads earlier than the Crux. I think the DV8 Ruckus Feud (in most hands) reads the lane earlier. I actually think that original Mastermind (in box finish) did as well. Now, the Crux may start up a pinch later than all of those, but once it digs in, it hooks hard and keeps on hooking, moreso in my opinion than all of the others I mentioned.

Again, my original response to you was just to make you realize that, at least for me, the hybrid cover and smooth OOB coverstock prep allow the Crux to clear the fronts easier than most really strong balls that I've encountered; nevertheless, it's still really, really strong and can handle a great deal of oil. If you're looking for a ball to put at the top of your rotation, I don't think you can go wrong with a Crux!

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Re: Crux Question
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2014, 10:35:01 PM »
for me I think Storm's description in dead on but it is a very strong med/heavy oil ball that I have been scoring well in the first games at my house.problem I'm having is it's a 1 and done ball for me. would like to keep it in my hands longer but once it struggles in the heads it's all over for me. and I can't decide if I should bring the cover up some cause it's such a great ball oob.
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