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Author Topic: Current Storm Lineup  (Read 1479 times)


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Current Storm Lineup
« on: August 03, 2006, 04:31:28 AM »
Quick Question. I have a fired up. I am looking for something that sits inbetween teh fired up and the Agent. I have seen the Agent, and even with a weak drilling I think it is more ball than I want. Maybe a pyro?

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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 12:56:48 PM »
Depends also on how you have the Fired Up drilled.


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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 01:03:22 PM »
what about a Pyro ??


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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 01:36:00 PM »
Can you help me understand 'more ball that you want' means?  Is it the overall hook that concerns you or is it the early roll?  The reason I ask is that in my opinion the logical step up from a Fired Up is an Agent or a Paradigm.  That said here are my suggestions depending on what characteristics you are looking for.

Length with a stronger hook - Paradigm
Slightly smoother motion with just a bit more overall hook - Diablo
A bit more traction in longer oil and a bit more overall hook - Pyro

All three of these balls are a step up from a Fired Up.  

Based on your profile I'd go with the Diablo.  For a low axis bowler who likes to play around the 2nd arrow I would want to see the ball face the pocket squarely rather than a sharp snap in the backend.  Carry should be better because you will cut down on the possibility of coming into the pocket behind the head pin and leaving a ton of 10 pins.


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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 01:41:51 PM »
Good suggestions. The overall hook and early roll concern me about the Agent, as well as the total hook. This includes the paradigm.  I like the length the Fired up gives me, but it doesn't have the pop on heavier conditions. I'm leaning more toward the Pyro. The ball might give me good length with good backend.

I have no idea where my PAP is, but I have a high track(1/8 - 1/4 inch from thumb and fingers) and my track goes around most of the diameter of the ball. Almost a full roller. I have no tilt, or maybe very little. The fired up has a 3 inch pin with the pin directly above the ring finger, with the CG slightly to the right and up of Center of grip.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Edited on 8/3/2006 1:37 PM


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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2006, 01:52:48 PM »
I wouldn't say that the Agent is "stronger" than the Pyro... they give a completely different look and they compliment eachother pretty well.
"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head."


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Re: Current Storm Lineup
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2006, 02:01:39 PM »
Understood, however I don't think the Pyro is going to give you what you want.

The only difference between a Pyro and a Fired Up is the particle load added to the Pyro.  I have not thrown that ball but I have participated in a couple of PBA Regionals where it appears to me to be a good early traction version of the Fired Up.  To be sure it has more backend snap than many particle balls on the market but I can't see it helping you achieve your goal.

If you have yourself set on a Pyro may I suggest that you drill it with pin high but closer to your PAP than your Fired Up.  You can still have it drilled with a relatively stacked CG like your FU, but by moving the weight block up a bit and to the right a bit you will delay the Pyro roll but add some backend to the ball.

Good luck either way.