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Author Topic: Dead Shift?  (Read 1792 times)


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Dead Shift?
« on: November 14, 2007, 01:49:23 PM »
I have a friend who rolls a Shift.  He bought it when they first came out and has cleaned it reguarly (actually, I have been doing it for him in my shop).  He has been complaining for the last month or so that it has died, so I resurfaced it for him.  This made no difference at all.  What gives?  Has anyone else had this ball die?  HELP!!
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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 12:06:10 AM »
The problem with that is with oil soaked balls even if you rejevenate them, it destroys the integrity of the coverstock. Yes, you will see somewhat better reaction for about 15-20 games but then you are right back to where you started. Sell it get a decent price for it and buy something new. JMO
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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 10:13:33 AM »
Thanks CaliBowler, thats what I told him too!
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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 10:15:49 AM »
I tried a hot water bath on a Zone Classic. It really brought the ball back to life and I've thrown at least 50+ games with it since then and it's still going strong. That's made me a believer in that method of extracting oil from a ball.


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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2007, 10:34:46 AM »
I know you said that he cleaned it regularly...but you also said you did it for him in your shop. That means, I'm guessing, that it wasn't done RIGHT AFTER EVERY set he bowled, correct?  Instead, he probably bowled, packed everything away, came back next week, cleaned it, bowled, etc...this is not the proper cleaning method encouraged, especially with the new coverstocks that need so much care and attention...

Maybe I'm wrong, though, and you did clean the ball for him after each set. I just doubt it from your description.

In terms of restoring hook, you could try the hot water bath first. Your chances of hurting the ball or doing anything are slim to none, especially when you take precautions like covering the holes (which is recommended, by the way, if you ever talk to some ball manufacturers). After that, Ebonite's Hook Again, the CPR, or the Rejuvenator all might help...but only, in my mind, for so long.  You can't ever really get a ball back to OOB condition -- that's impossible, unless you plan on going to see Dr. Emmett L. Brown...

Regarding getting money for the ball, I don't know if I can entirely encourage selling a ball that you know is not worth $$$. It just doesn't seem right -- you'd be taking advantage of somebody else's ignorance.

Lastly -- and this is totally unrelated -- I thought of something when I read the title of your post. How cool would "Dead Shift" or "Night Shift" be for a ball name??! Who wouldn't like a zombie/S.K./dead-end (sorry for the pun) job reference on a bowling ball?


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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2007, 09:37:56 PM »
You are correct, he packed it up and left, leaving oil on the ball.  I preach to all my customers to have me clean their stuff AFTER each set or they can do it themselves, but no one seems to listen.  I usually clean my stuff after each set, but even I get lazy sometimes, LOL.

"Dead Shift" or Night Shift" would be cool names, LOL.

I wish I could go see Doc Brown sometimes, like right after letting one go down the lane, knowing full well it ain't gonna strike, LOL!!!
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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2007, 11:56:48 AM »
Mine hasn't died yet.  Been bowling w/it since I first got it, right when it was released last season.  I love it.  I finished the season w/it & I have 36 league games on it this season alone, plus countless practice games & I don't clean it regularly, LOL!!  I will be giving it an oil bath real soon though.
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Edited on 11/16/2007 12:58 PM


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Re: Dead Shift?
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2007, 10:47:17 PM »
Well, I put new, smaller grips in it tonight and that helped quite a bit.  I also told him to take it home for a bath.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.  Thanks for the help folks!
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