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Author Topic: Death by sanding?  (Read 1467 times)


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Death by sanding?
« on: October 03, 2009, 08:58:51 AM »
My Gravity Shift was resently ripped up from the machine. I have no pictures but just take my word that it was demolished. My pro shop guy just sanded it down and it seems like it''s not getting the hook it used to. The sanding took most of the label off the ball and turned the Gravity logo into a Ravit logo. I was wondering if the ball has lost reaction from the sanding or just a ball death. I clean all my stuff after every series and usually a hot water bath after every 6 months. Any ideas?

On edit: The house hasn''t changed it''s shot and I myself has not changed my release any. If anything i''m getting slightly more revs then last year.

Edited on 10/3/2009 5:02 PM



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Re: Death by sanding?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 07:03:53 PM »
there's a strong possibility your pro shop guy has too much polish on the ball.  can you see the sanding swirls below the polish?  if so pro shop needs to smooth it out.  if it looks like glass, try a 500 abby pad and put a thin coat of polish on top, or use the factory storm step 2 on top of the 500 abby surfact.  this should wake it up.

those gravity shifts are on close out right now too...
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH


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Re: Death by sanding?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2009, 07:15:52 PM »
man i wish i never got rid of my gravity.


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Re: Death by sanding?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 09:38:16 AM »
I''m sure people will argue this... but in my experience, YES, it lost reaction due to sanding.  Every time I take a ball down to fresh 500 or less, the reaction is never the same.  I might get the same hook through oil, but the continuation off the pattern and through the pins is less.  Of course the bowling alley/pro shop will claim the ball is "like new."

On Edit:  I do have to say I have had mixed results with different balls.  I have a Special Agent with 1000 games on it and no labels that still rolls like new.  However most of the time I see a different reaction after a full resurface.
Two Hands are better than one!!

Edited on 10/5/2009 10:14 AM

Dan Belcher

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Re: Death by sanding?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2009, 09:47:57 AM »
My Gravity Shift has been resurfaced too many times to count.  I bought it used from a friend for $30 after he had a pin-over-fingers drill he liked, but didn't love, so he tried a ton of different surfaces.  He still didn't like it so he plugged it and went with a 3x3 layout, and hated that.  I plugged it and went with almost the same exact layout he started with, and put some fresh surface on the ball.  It still has labels, but just barely.  This ball has been plugged twice (I actually track over the plug material!), has countless games on it, and has been sanded a bunch with only one hot water bath over a year ago.  And it still is one of my favorite balls for oil when I keep some surface on it.  I used it in the USBC Open this past year with good success.  It was my go-to ball on longer oil in my summer PBA Experience league.  And I bowled a 300 in league with it just three weeks ago.

What surface did you have on the ball before it was resurfaced?  What surface is it at now?


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Re: Death by sanding?
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 10:56:19 PM »
I had it OOB as I just got the ball before it was discontinued. Then after it was ripped up, my proshop guy took the instructions from storm to take it to factory finish.