We're making a lot of changes and additions to the website this week. There may be a few "bugs" pop up from time to time. We will try to get that fixed asap
Some new things to check out :
Camps / Clinics page has been updated
CLUB 300 membership page is up
CLUB 300 fan club giveaway page is up
CLUB 300 Honor Roll page has been started
Photo Gallery is now up ( go through Jeffs website on the nav. bar )
More things to come this week and in the near future
More things to come this week and in the near future
If anybody has any comments or something that they would like to see....feel free to let us know. We will certainly take all ideas into consideration. Some things that will be coming soon :
The Forum will be removed - too hard to keep the spam out of there. We may just to some sort of guestbook instead ( unless Dennis can figure out a way to keep the forum clean )
Online Coaching - i'm still waiting on software updates from Astar, but we already have the program set up to where you can send me videos and i can download them. Now we just need to finish the rest of it so we can build lessons
Links page
Updated Schedule
By the way,
WSUstroker - yes i will be in LaCrosse for the regional
dlenhart - we really dont eat that much steak, but i happend to have 3 steak dinners bought for me that week. Would you turn that down

The Agent is probably the best ball that i've had in my hands since the original X-Factor ( maybe ever !!! ). Ryan honestly said he rarely has honor scores when he goes home. He's had plenty of 300s on tour, just not in league
ThaCrank - Indy is always one of my favorite stops. Thers just something about Woodand that makes me feel comfortable. I had a lot of fun that week
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter
www.stormbowling.comwww.jeffcarterbowling.comEdited on 4/5/2007 10:01 AM