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Author Topic: Depth Charge....Similar to the HRG?  (Read 1893 times)


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Depth Charge....Similar to the HRG?
« on: April 27, 2004, 11:33:34 AM »
In looking at the Depth Charge, it reminded me right away of the Core Power HRG, just in color alone, which brought back some terrible memories as I never did figure out that ball.  Then, as I began to look a little more closely, I notice they have the same coverstock, and while the RG is a little higher on the Core Power, they seem to have very similar attributes, which is fantastic for those who liked the HRG, but concerns me a little as I had trouble controlling the breakpoint on it.  Do these balls seem similar to anyone else? Thinking maybe the Flash Force might be a better fit for me if I was going to pick one of the two.



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Re: Depth Charge....Similar to the HRG?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2004, 10:24:36 AM »
I just picked a Depth Charge and this is one hell of a ball. In my league last night I bowled a guy (Peterson Point) with a HRG and thrashed him 781-611. I know scores dont say much about the balls but the HRG went long, very long and seemed to never catch a roll. Meanwhile I had the entire lane with the Depth Charge ,this is a really special ball. I was expecting my Apocalypse to react much like this ball but the reactions are not close at all. The DC is a ball that Im sure many of you will see in droves. Being the first person in my league (Big Mens league) to have thrown one I know 7 orders were placed last night for the DC. BTM was right about this ball, you will have a diffucilt time putting it away because it seems like it call handle almost anything with minor speed/feet adjustments. I need more run with this ball on tougher patterns before I give it a true "review" but so far this is probably one Storms better efforts in quite a while.
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Re: Depth Charge....Similar to the HRG?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2004, 12:55:18 PM »
Fascinating discussion!

Storm keeps using this great Thunder weightblock with all its various nuances.

Too Hot, Ultra Hots, Hot Rod, Hot Wire with no power ball.  Diffs = .25 to .33 (hot rods) higher rgs about 2.56 to 2.58 = hot rod and hot wire core

Tour Power, Core Power lrg, Power Charge pearl and Core Power HRG, Eraser and Erase it and Eraser Particle pearl all have a power ball to lower rg.  The first 3 in this list rgs of like 2.49 and diffs of .40.  The Erasers more like 2.53 and diff of .45.  The Core Power HRG is standing flip block on top instead of flip block on the bottom like Core Power LRG, power Charge, super charge and Depth Charge. The core power HRG also has a bigger flip block for higher diff and rg!  2.56 rg and diff of .56. Pearl particle coverstock like the Depth charge.. = power charge and core lrg = eraser, erase it and epp. = core power HRG

Now the new versions for todays synthetic carrydown conditions

Super charge and Depth Charge.  These balls are half an X factor(single lateral disk).  rgs of 2.46 and diffs of .55 to handle todays carrydown. = depth charge super charge core.

Oh compare to the double disk X factor and slightly more angular block! =  x factor with double lateral disks!

Anyway the fascinating part of all this is yesterday I was out throwing my new power charge.  What a ball classic.  Just like the LRG this ball is smooth and controllable and everything is just medium just longer than the Core Power LRG.  Medium rev up, medium flip, medium angularity but strong smooth and controlled.  When I first got to the shot it was still wet on the left in the heads and their was carrydown after league.  This was right up this balls ballywick.  Straight down 10 on the left with a little belly to 8 and this ball cut through the medium carrydown and had no problem knocking out a nice 220.

As the heads went a way this ball labored on carry as the carrydown stayed the same.  A comparable Spec Columbia Ego with a newer coverstock I think more reactive(sometimes overreactive coverstock) and slightly stronger drilling allowed me to get deeper in the head oil and swing a little more and still carry.  I think an X factor or a Depth or an Eraser Particle pearl with a slight extra amount of flare would have also done similar.  

However this is why I got the Power charge to be a slightly more controllable Ego.  It is.  This ball reminds me a lot of the V2 pearl from Ebonite with a touch more smoothness and control.

Also tried yesterday on this shot was the Hot Rod.  This ball made me move considerable left, had no midlane in comparison to the Power charge(no power ball either) and worked quite well when I could get the ball revved up to pick up quickly enough.  (Having a slight hang in this newly drilled ball).  Bottom line is without the power ball more energy needs to be supplied to the ball.
With the power ball very easy energy transfer!

Getting an Eraser Particle pearl and do have a Core Power HRG.  With the Core Power HRG one has to be careful about it getting too sharp of a break way down the lane!  

Bottom line these basic cores with the powerball are great!  With the single disk design of the Depth charge I believe it will work much better on today's carrydown conditions as it's extra diff and flare is appropriate for todays not fresh backends!



Edited on 4/29/2004 12:49 PM
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