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Author Topic: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?  (Read 13268 times)


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Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:33:35 AM »
I'm not saying the Invasion is a total dud across the board, like I did the Buzzbomb, but the Invasion for me and others who tried the ball locally had no luck with this ball.  The Mutant is a much better ball in all areas as compared to the Invasion.

I'm sure many have had great success with the Invasion, but two tries with different drillings as well as others that I've encountered in the pro shop has had no luck except it makes a great but expensive 10 pin ball.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2010, 09:24:31 AM »
riggs, Be fair, some bowlers can make any ball look good (like you).

I currently have the ball 500-4000 and Rough-Buff to try and get the ball through the heads a little better and retain some energy but when I throw it along side my Rapid Fire solid, the Invasion looks to be a very controlled ball that doesn't drive the pocket.  I have also tried it at 2000 with Rough Buff and I just don't see the movement that I would think we would see with the Invasion.  I also know that I just might not match up with the Invasion, so I'm not trying to take anything away from the ball.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Jesse James

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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2010, 09:37:07 AM »
As others have stated above, this is an oil ball, for volume. Kind of a niche, condition specific ball.

I've have seen very few people have success with this ball, in my neck of the woods. Could it be because most of the houses in our area employ light oil THS?Most likely!!

One of my good buddies whom I trade balls with regularly was trying to unload an only-used-twice, Invasion on me, last week. He said he'd shot 738 with it in a tourny......out of town, but couldn't seem to get the same results in town. Duh!

I don't think it is a bad ball at all. You just have to know when you can, and cannot use it. I would equate it to the reactions I am seeing from people here using the Brunswick 3.5, C-System.

That ball needs volume too. People using it around here leave a ton of 8 pins and 9 pins!
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2010, 09:39:55 AM »
I absolutely love my Invasion when i can actually throw it.  I see way too much friction to even attempt to throw this on a regular basis.  

One thing i did so i can use it on a house shot if i have any volume at all is take the surface up one step at a time.  The 500 to 4000 box finish really wants to read too early for me on any pattern without length and volume.  I went 500, 1000, 2000 and then finished it off with 4000 by hand.  Gives me a look like an original dimension but stronger downlane.
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2010, 10:15:50 AM »
Thank you for the tip Britton.  I will try to step up the Ablaron pads.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2010, 10:27:20 AM »
I love mine. I actually find it can skid a little too much at times. Mine is at 4000 then the drill pattern I think was 60 by 5 by 40. I love the surface prep on it now though for when I can use it. Rolls up pretty well but doesn't bog down in the front part of the lane. I have had the ball roll the best on wood lanes. The built in track and the heavy roll the ball has after it hooks works very well for me.


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2010, 11:00:26 AM »
I have drilled 3 Invasions. I drilled 2 pin over, and 1 pin in ring. What I have found with the Invasion is a consistent reaction from lane to lane, and pattern to pattern, surface to surface. I bowl my leagues in two different houses. One house has DBL, and the other has pro-anvilane. Both centers use different patterns, and different kinds of oil, as well as different volumes of oil. What the Invasion allows me to do is play both houses with in a board or so. I have never owned a ball, that has been able to do this. As great as the Vg, and as much as I like my Second Dimensions, I have to move 5-10 boards, as well as an arrow or so at the two different houses to be able to use them.

Now with this said, sometimes my Reign of Fire will cover more boards than my Invasions. Sometimes my pin under VG has more backend, and sometimes it has less backend than my Invasion. The Invasion is just so consistent for me.

I even tried to put 600 CAB sand on my pin in ring Invasion, and I could still get it through the front of the lane. The R2X cover, at that surface prep, hooks at my feet until it gets alot of oil on it.

Please refer to the two reviews I posted of the Invasions for additional info.

Also, in reference to Riggs''s post about drilling the Invasions too strong, the latest Invasion I drilled (pin over ring, MB in thumb, no x hole) has the most board coverage, and is the weakest drilling of the three.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA

Edited on 4/8/2010 1:03 PM
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2010, 11:33:48 AM »
Another league one bowler uses a Virtual Gravity.  This bowler has such a high rev rate and uses it on light oil to begin with, it''s obvious to everyone but him it''s rolling out.

I love when that happens...
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2010, 12:15:43 PM »
I had a talk with my pro shop guy about the invasion yesterday, hes not selling them to anyone unless theyre absolutely set on the ball.

he says hes drilled 10 or so, & at least 5 have had major problems with them.  A couple of which just plain wouldnt hook(i had the same problem with my second dimension).

He said hes watched these people, some of which are 220+ average bowlers, & the ball just wont rev up.  He thought, like most of you are thinking, that the ball was rolling out due to not enough oil. Well, no matter where they played on the lane, or how much hand these people had, the ball wouldnt rev up & turn over, AT ALL.  A guy with a 350+ ref rate was missing the headpin 90% of the time as he continuously moved right to find someplace that wouldmake the ball hook.

Storm is a good company tho, they reimbursed him for the balls he took back from customers and replaced with something different.

In the bag

Brunswick 3.5(pin over ring, mb 60º) light polish over OOB
Ebonite Mission(pin under bridge, MB 70º, low weight hole) polish over OOB
Storm Fast(pin under bridge, low weight hole)
Storm Natural(pin over ring)

Coming soon
high scores??


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2010, 03:20:18 PM »
The biggest problem with this ball isn't even the ball- it's that people think strong balls always hook more.

How much a ball hooks is irrelavent to your score, where it hooks and how it releases its energy is what is relavent to your score.

Too many people are drilling this ball who either shouldn't be at all, drilling it too strong or throwing it when there is far too much friction on the lanes.

EVERY Invasion I have drilled has looked good for everyone I have drilled them for. Why? I don't put them in the hands of the wrong people, I don't drill them strong unless the case is extreme (ie someone who is overly rotationally challenged and fires rockets) and I educate my consumers about roll out- so they don't throw charcoal with a 4 second spin time on toast... lol

PS- I can promise you that anyone who says their Mutant doesn't hook has a ball with a pin in a weak position and a mass bias in a strong position and it's not rolling in the right spot at all. That's about the only problem I've seen with that ball (outside of the fact that it is far too strong for me on anything that isn't flooded, which is why I've thrown it like 2x ever).


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2010, 03:21:17 PM »
So this morning I bowl a league that has six games.  Bowl 3 games move and bowl 3 more, one person team.  We get 10 minutes of practice.

I bought my Invasion, Rapid Fire and Mutant as well as the Invasion.  On the first pair of lanes I got lined up standing 26 throw the ball 13 out to 10 and was crushing the pocket.  The Invasion surface prep was 500-2000-4000 Rough Buff.  The Invasion never read the break point.  Wask out after wash out (during practice).  Rapid Fire turning strong at the break point and carry wsa tremendous.

Moved to the next pair of lanes where I was watching the first set of bowlers playing down and in 10 out to about 8.  I got lined up with the Mutant and was crushing the pocket.  The Invasion labored to make any move to the pocket.

I think that possibly a bad batch of Invasions got out of Utah because there are way too many good and bad stories.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2010, 03:56:31 PM »
I do not own one but the one's i've seen have rolled awesome when a lot of volume is out there and there isn't dry seen early (outsides of a house shot, broken down sport pattern). I think the ball may be a little too strong for house shots and average bowlers.

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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2010, 04:06:27 PM »

Out of curiosity why are you using rough buff as the final step in your surface prep?  Im not really familiar with it but from what i recall this is a compound which will do a fairly good job of either clogging the pores/and lowering the surface texture of the bowling ball, especially if applied OVER a 4000 abralon surface.  Also, was it applied on a spinner and burned into the surface?  If i applied the steps you did to an invasion i doubt i would be able to get the ball to read properly either.

One more question, did you go to your original ball driller with your problem?  He would be the best to help you with your issue as he knows what you are bowling on and what your style is like.  If not, did you contact storm's technical department regarding your issues?
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2010, 04:07:15 PM »
For those of us who threw or throw the VG, the Invasion was supose to be 3-5 boards stronger.  Now was that throughout the lane or from the break point?

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2010, 04:09:24 PM »
For those of us who threw or throw the VG, the Invasion was supose to be 3-5 boards stronger.  Now was that throughout the lane or from the break point?

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Its hard to compare balls in that fashion but since the coverstock is strong on the invasion (backed by higher R.A. values) and earlier rolling core (IIRC) it should hook more through the lane.

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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2010, 05:22:49 PM »
Ball is a beast on oil, plain and simple.  Throw your reign's and fasts on your house shot guys.

Bowl to win!!!

Move left, hook it more.....

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Philipp Hudak
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