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Author Topic: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?  (Read 13268 times)


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Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:33:35 AM »
I'm not saying the Invasion is a total dud across the board, like I did the Buzzbomb, but the Invasion for me and others who tried the ball locally had no luck with this ball.  The Mutant is a much better ball in all areas as compared to the Invasion.

I'm sure many have had great success with the Invasion, but two tries with different drillings as well as others that I've encountered in the pro shop has had no luck except it makes a great but expensive 10 pin ball.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #46 on: April 09, 2010, 10:33:04 AM »
I would love to see this because it is exactly the opposite of my experience:

"I have two and seen a ton on VGs and the Invasion does not come close to handling the oil (depending on the VGs surface prep)or covering more boards. The guy I bowled on the first set said he didn't even bring his Invasion because he can't get it to do anything and he used a sanded/dull VG."

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #47 on: April 09, 2010, 11:06:08 AM »
Riggs, my two VG's were quite similar in their drilling and has vastly different reactions with identical surface preps.  The first VG wouldn't have even qualified as a boat anchor and you'll have to pry the second VG out of my cold, dead hands.  I look forward to the opportunity to put my hands on a second INVASION.  However, in no way does this mean that I've lost any love for Storm products.  Too often, it's the Indian and not the arrow and there's no way on Earth I'm gonna change that!
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #48 on: April 09, 2010, 07:24:52 PM »
Ok Effen but what will I be looking for?  What surface should I put on the ball before I try this tets?


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Basically,to see how it rolls on a HEAVY volume of oil.If it reads the mids pretty well and makes a nice left hand turn once it encounters the dry backend,you'll know is not using up all it's energy.As you stated,when you moved deeper on the lane,the ball would hit the 10 pin,which IMHO,means the ball is DOA by the time it reaches the 40 ft mark,ie, not enough oil on the lane.
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #49 on: April 09, 2010, 08:12:23 PM »
I just wish people would stop drilling this ball strong. Like, I mean, at all. Drill em all weak as heck and watch yourself open up darn near anything like my customers are...


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2010, 11:15:54 PM »
what  I  find  odd  is  that  my  friday  3  person  morning league puts  down  a  good  amount  of  oil...

but  unless  it  is  winter  and  the  house  is  beat  all  cold  I  can't  even  throw  my  VE.  

I  have  been  using my  freeze  and  there are  about  5  to  7  different guys  tryn  to  use  the  invasion.  mind  you  these  people  (or  a  couple  of  them)  have  VG  that  are  polished.

I'm  beating  them  with  a  "entry  level"  $90.00  ball.

all  some  people  think  about  is  showing  how  much  they  have  to  spend  on  balls .  cause  in  this  area  the  invasion is  going  for  no  less  than  245.00  (unless  you  are  close  friends  with  shop  owner).

ever  since  that  joke  of  a  pba  event  where  90%  of  the  bowlers  used  this  ball  I  haven't  liked  the  look /  reaction   on  the  lane  (from  anyone's  toss  pros  included)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2010, 06:16:55 AM »
Snowspike, you can watch a couple working pretty well if you watch our team event here

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2010, 05:22:04 PM »
Teammate who's a regional player has one and it goes long and medium arc motion on backend.  His cant handle heavy oil and is best on med oil at best.  He has not changed surface and the ball does have some shine because of oil absorption


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2010, 03:21:08 PM »
I hate to jump in on everyones suggestions but Nicanor Does the ball by chance have a weight hole above the midline or were the finger holes drilled deeper than normal due to cg location?  

Mike Sargent
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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2010, 03:50:22 PM »
Dan, the INVASION box finish is 4,000!!  Have your friend take it down to 1,000 and see what happens on heavy oil!
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2010, 05:41:42 PM »
Well, we drilled an Invasion with a Mo Pinel special, the double thumb layout,
after having success with this layout on a Reign of Fire, and the ball is amazing. Can't wait to see it on a tighter, long, flat pattern because the room the ball creates is un-real.


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2010, 06:57:29 PM »

Junior down at Premier Lanes in Chula Vista CA is looking at the ball now.  I know your familair with the San Diego area and might know Junior.  The weight hole is below my pap.  Junor recommended plugging the balance hole which is thin and rather deep and lowering the balance hole and when re-drilling the balance hole, make it larger and shallower.  Don't know about the finger holes, the ball is not here.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2010, 11:53:48 AM »
Ok let me know at that becuase weight holes and figner depth can change the balls performance alot more today than they could in the past. Getting the weight hole lower should increase the flare and make the ball have more movement off the backend, let me know if it works. thanks.

-Mike Sargent
Storm Products Inc

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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #58 on: April 24, 2010, 08:04:56 PM »
Replaced the thumb slug on the Invasion, plugged and re-drilled the weight hole and weighed the ball out.  The top came out just over zero.  On the digital scale, it was.2.  The finger weight was .5 and the side was .7

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else find the Invasion a dud?
« Reply #59 on: April 28, 2010, 06:52:42 PM »
I have not thrown the invasion, but two team mates throw it, and i a purchasing one as we speak.  What I have found, and what others have said, is that it depends on how you throw the ball, and what you are throwing it on.  I play older overlays, and we have a guy who throws up the 10 and has alot of trouble with it.  the other throws a belly hook, and he does much better with it.  both are med speed med revs.  With the overlays however, I throw deeper than both of them, not much more than the belly guy, but a little deeper and I use a break point pearl for about 1 game, then switch to a cherry vibe.  i am buying the invasion for a high 5 where we will be on synthetics.  for me and the pattern they use, this will be the correct ball.  at my house however, the ball would be way too much and would roll badly.  I guess, as an article i read in the bowling journal said, the core is the engine, the surface is the tires, but don't forget the road you are going down.  its a 1/3 idea, that the lane will dictate as well as pattern.  just my 1/2 cent, and no i don't average 270, just a regular guy who watches what is going on around me
201 league average 2 leagues
break point pearl
Mutant cell
Magic action
Cherry vibe
14lb agent-first ball I ever owned
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing