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Author Topic: Osku Hyroad layout  (Read 7354 times)


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Osku Hyroad layout
« on: December 13, 2010, 11:42:31 AM »
anyone see his second hyroad? CG directly under ring, big weight hole towards the fingers, ball prolly had a TON of thumb weight...ball looked like it hooked ALOT more than his other one. Anyone ever try a layout like it?



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Re: Osku Hyroad layout
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2010, 01:02:24 PM »
do any of you read before you post? im NOT TALKING ABOUT THE BALL HE FIRST USED!

calm down man. your asking us for advice. your not going to get an answer by scolding us.

I didnt see the ball, sorry. wish i could help.
Matt Williams
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Re: Osku Hyroad layout
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2010, 02:04:20 PM »
Unfortunately, Osku went to that Hy-Road on the left lane a few frames too late. With the other one, he was having a bit of trouble getting it to the spot cleanly on that lane.  That layout would have a ton of FINGER weight because the CG was so high.  That ball went a few feet longer and had more BACKEND reaction. That helped him store the energy better through the front part of the lane and get to the spot downlane cleaner.  Wouldn't recommend a layout like that for league because of the wet/dry it would enhance.


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Re: Osku Hyroad layout
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2010, 02:10:21 PM »
we talking about the shot when he threw on the left lane with his thumb in? i saw that shot and was impressed and it looked like a 2fast to me.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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