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Author Topic: different look  (Read 3478 times)


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different look
« on: October 25, 2006, 01:36:09 AM »
I have 2 main balls for my league bowling this season. One; Storm Flash point drilled with the pin over the bridge and the cg in my grip center. Two; Track Rule polished in a lustre king drilled with the pin next to my ring finger and the cg to the right of my grip center, and MB just to the left of my thumb. With a weight hole. I need something that will give me more angle than these two balls. The pattern is tricky. The outside is super dry and both balls will make a hard move to the pocket. Neither get the proper length to be effective. However, my problem is continuation. I've used weaker drills and weaker cover core combinations and have had poor results. Any suggestions in the Storm lineup? I'm considering a Hammer Black Widow.....but have had so much success with Storm..... Any help is appreciated. I can give pics of both bowling balls upon request and as for the actual house pattern, I'll ask LuckyLefty for clarification. He knows this center and how difficult it can be....Thanks

Edited on 10/25/2006 9:32 AM

Edited to add placement of MB on Rule...

Edited on 10/26/2006 11:18 AM
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Re: different look
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 10:23:19 AM »
I've tried different releases and more axis rotation and revs. I dont have trouble getting the ball to the pocket. I guess it's more of a carry problem and that certainly wasn't clear in my original message. I'm having to loft the ball to get the length I need. I'm just looking for ideas for a different look to the pocket. Maybe a core/cover combo that is better suited for higher speeds and lofting and covering a lot of boards in the backend. That's why I'm thinking about the Black Widow...that hockey stick shape movement I've seen it have seems to be perfect for this type of pattern. My current equipment will get to the pocket just without the proper angle of entry....Any more thoughts?
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: different look
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 11:45:14 AM »
I am not sure I would use a Black Widow for a super dry outside...

Lets see.  You say super dry outside?  You also say you have above average speed and revs right?  If this is true, maybe a Tropical could work or maybe a Jolt Pearl.

Someone else will be able to give you better information, but I know I probably  have less revs than you and I would have problems using the higher end stuff on drier lanes.

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Re: different look
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 12:12:55 PM »
super duper dry? Jolt or Barbed Wire. Or maybe a Lane #1 Bullet
Brunswick and Lane #1: there is no other. Well... maybe a few Storms... and a One. Did I mention Roto Grip yet?


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Re: different look
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2006, 11:02:12 PM »
It's not that the outside is super dry as much as the length of the pattern is so short. My original thought was to go with a simple core like a Tropical, but others in thhis league using low end equipment don't carry well either??? I'm perplexed. I want to attack this pattern with something strong. The weak stuff just doesn't drive through the pocket as if they always roll-out. It's by  far, the strangest pattern I've ever encountered. Those that score best are using top end balls such as Paradigms, Ones, Black Widows, and lofting and playing really deep inside and swinging out to around  the 5-7 board(s) To make it back to the 1-3 the ball must really snap back. My equipment is really "archy" if that makes sense and it rolls up too soon, even with polish. This is why, I think I need a different core/cover combo???
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Re: different look
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 02:20:37 AM »
I Looked at your profile and found that there is some similarities in the pitches of our bowling balls. The finger pitches are about the same and the thumb is a bit different, I have 1/16 reverse and 3/8 to palm. My ball speed is around 15 MPH but can be some higher. Most of the equipment that is out now have a low RG of say 2.45 which relates to quick roll but some have a 2.54 and this will go longer. The differential of .058 will relate to hook and .040 will be less hook.Add the strong covers on todays balls,adds more hook.

I have an older Track Animal that is asymmetrical and drilled pin between and above fingers. 5" to PAP which is 4 1/2 over and 3" down to MB which is right of thumb about 2". This drill for me allows me to play straight or feed right or play the oil line. I believe any ball that has a higher RG and does not have real aggressive covers should work well for you if you want to stay with asymmetrical.All of the above could change the arc on your ball.

There is a lot of good equipment out now from several "family" companies.
After you make your decision, let us know what you come up with.



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Re: different look
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2006, 06:41:17 AM »
It's not that the outside is super dry as much as the length of the pattern is so short.

The Flash Point is hardly a weak ball and that drill is for even more than its designed length, in general. Are you sure you're playing deep enough with this ball or,maybe you don't have enough hand to make it make the turn?


My original thought was to go with a simple core like a Tropical, but others in thhis league using low end equipment don't carry well either??? I'm perplexed. I want to attack this pattern with something strong. The weak stuff just doesn't drive through the pocket as if they always roll-out. It's by  far, the strangest pattern I've ever encountered. Those that score best are using top end balls such as Paradigms, Ones, Black Widows, and lofting and playing really deep inside and swinging out to around  the 5-7 board(s) To make it back to the 1-3 the ball must really snap back. My equipment is really "archy" if that makes sense and it rolls up too soon, even with polish. This is why, I think I need a different core/cover combo???

The two balls in Storm's line-up currently that are like the Flash POint much much stronger in their turn, with more overall hook are the Fired-Up and the new DOmination. The DOmination is about as strong as a pearl resin will or can get in the backend. The Fired-Up is very strong, stronger than your FP, the DOmination is stronger still. If that's the ball you feel yo uneed try one onf them. I wouldn't try the Balck Widow ONLY because it's a solid, like the Rule. The Rule even polished probably has too much midlane for this consition.

(FYI The RUle is a mass bias ball; the CG's position makes ZERO difference. It's where the Mass Bias is positioned that matters. If yours is on the track side of the thumb hole, the ball is possibly drilled wrong.)

The Black Widow is slightly stronger than the RUle, but since it's a solid it will probably not be as useful as a pearl.

The Domination is also a mass bias ball. Make sure your driller knows what he is doing and puts the MB in the right area. The CG makes no difference with this ball; the MB placement makes a HUGE difference in the ball reaction!
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Re: different look
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2006, 08:30:56 AM »
My MB on my Rule is on the track side of my thumb hole. I have had great results with this ball in the last town I lived and bowled in. I'm in a new area and it is completely different. I haven't had anything drilled for this yet. I am biased, but I believe I have enough hand to get the FP to turn the corner, it's just that it wants to turn too soon. Using up too much energey before the pocket. The only way I can combat this is to loft it to the arrows. I'm alreay near the ball return (right lane) in game one. This is a first shift league. I'm aiming between 25 & 30 out to about 7 & 5. I'm thinking that there is something different about the FP cover making it less "pearly" does that make sense?? It's really soft for a pearl, reminds me of those made w/ Mica a while back in the roll.... I'm looking at the Jolt Pearl, Fired Up, and Domination from Storm, any other pearl suggestions will be considered...

For the record, I have decent ball speed and a slightly lower track. Length has NEVER been an issue for me before. I have realized that the pattern length is far more important than volume....

I think my rationale is that I'm rolling the ball so hard, I need the stronger reaction in the backend because it will have less time to make that turn to the pocket...Is this right??? I've seen so many bowlers struggle using weak equipment...I've been told that this center is by far the toughest in the Richmond, VA area. I like a challenge. Thanks for everyone's input....
Bowl To Win!!!

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: different look
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2006, 09:28:11 AM »
Is the Jolt Pearl maybe a good choice?  I believe that one doesn't have the Reactor coverstock.

Also, I believe there is a Black Widow pearl coming out if you wanted a Black Widow but don't want a solid.

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Re: different look
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2006, 09:49:44 AM »
My MB on my Rule is on the track side of my thumb hole. I have had great results with this ball in the last town I lived and bowled in. I'm in a new area and it is completely different. I haven't had anything drilled for this yet. I am biased, but I believe I have enough hand to get the FP to turn the corner, it's just that it wants to turn too soon. Using up too much energey before the pocket. The only way I can combat this is to loft it to the arrows. I'm alreay near the ball return (right lane) in game one. This is a first shift league. I'm aiming between 25 & 30 out to about 7 & 5. I'm thinking that there is something different about the FP cover making it less "pearly" does that make sense?? It's really soft for a pearl, reminds me of those made w/ Mica a while back in the roll.... I'm looking at the Jolt Pearl, Fired Up, and Domination from Storm, any other pearl suggestions will be considered...


If the FP is not getting the length you think you need, the the Fired-Up and the Domination will also probably not work. While they hook and have more backend, their coverstocks are stronger than the FP's.

YOu could try modifying the cover, like sanding to 2000 grit and repolishign with Storm's Xtra Shine. That is a length drill and it should be making the turn.


For the record, I have decent ball speed and a slightly lower track. Length has NEVER been an issue for me before. I have realized that the pattern length is far more important than volume....

I think my rationale is that I'm rolling the ball so hard, I need the stronger reaction in the backend because it will have less time to make that turn to the pocket...Is this right??? I've seen so many bowlers struggle using weak equipment...I've been told that this center is by far the toughest in the Richmond, VA area. I like a challenge. Thanks for everyone's input....

Yes, flippier drills and flippier balls make the skid/hook/roll cycle much mroe rapidly than ball that arc. Usually to play deep inside lines, one uses longer pin distances and shorter CG or MB distances to insure the ball makes the turn.

The Jolt Pearl will be weaker than the FP; coverstock is different but not much weaker. There is the Thunderstruck Pearl, as another resin pearl cover. It's slightly weaker than the Fired-Up and lower priced, but not a lot weaker. But it's cover is also stronger than the FP's. And there's the Spitfire, basically a slightly weaker Fired-Up.

YOu're only other option seems to be a milder ball to play more direct and to insure you'll get length, but you said those types of balls were nto scoring well.

If I were you, I'd check over the league again, find someone who is close your ball speed and revs and release and see what they are using.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 10/26/2006 9:46 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: different look
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2006, 11:22:44 AM »
That's who I've been focused on...the guys more similar to me. They ALL seem to use strong equipment and drills with the pin above the bridge and the MB just to the right of thumb holes. Polished solids mostly. Tons of Ebonite and Hammer. Few more Storm, and very little Columbia or Brunswick. More MoRich than anywhere I've been, too. Been looking at a Ravage, but I think it may fit that category of good length too strong on the back end. I'm wishing for an original pearl messenger from columbia....the ugly orange one!!Or an original Storm Bolt (Green).  One caveat, the low scoring in this center could be due to the extremely deep channels in the pits....

I'd like to continue to thank everyone for their input....
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Re: different look
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2006, 12:54:41 PM »
I sound like a broken record... but a pin-over-bridge drilled Spit Fire with the MB between your thumb and VAL might give you the reaction you are looking for.

......... VAL
Brunswick and Lane #1: there is no other. Well... maybe a few Storms... and a One. Did I mention Roto Grip yet?

Edited on 10/26/2006 12:54 PM


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Re: different look
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2006, 01:21:21 PM »
That's who I've been focused on...the guys more similar to me. They ALL seem to use strong equipment and drills with the pin above the bridge and the MB just to the right of thumb holes. Polished solids mostly. Tons of Ebonite and Hammer. Few more Storm, and very little Columbia or Brunswick. More MoRich than anywhere I've been, too. Been looking at a Ravage, but I think it may fit that category of good length too strong on the back end. I'm wishing for an original pearl messenger from columbia....the ugly orange one!!Or an original Storm Bolt (Green).  One caveat, the low scoring in this center could be due to the extremely deep channels in the pits....

I'd like to continue to thank everyone for their input....

Is that FP tracked out or maybe it just needs a good dose of polish? WHy not try that before going to the expense of a new ball? That option always remains open.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: different look
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2006, 06:37:31 AM »
Both are polished in Lustre King and have very little track wear.
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Re: different look
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2006, 12:00:28 PM »

For the record, I had a Black Widow drilled close to a 5*3 with a small weight hole  and a light coat of polish for the condition I face at this center. It is wonderful. The black widow isn't as strong as I feared. It handles this condition nicely. It gave me more area than the other stuff I was using.

Also, drilled for this condition was a Spit Fire. However, because of the success I was having with the BW. I didn't even try it once. I will report on how the SF handles the same conditon.

A special thanks to Mullan's Proshop for their excellent service.
Bowl To Win!!!