today i went into the proshop because one of my new balls cracked and was going 2 ask him what i should get. he flat out told me dont get any other ball but the dimension. he said that it hooked more than the cell and carrys just as well. i asked him when is the soonest i could pick it up since its not out yet. he said wait just a min and i will tell u when u can pick it up he went 2 the back and came back with the dimension and said sat. i couldn't belive he already had them he said he gets all the storm ball before the date. cant wait 2 pick it up. will let yall know how great it is sat night
ps since my other ball had cracked and i buy so many balls from him all i have 2 pay for is my slug
Edited on 6/13/2008 0:43 AM