well i was just asking i love all of my balls i take anywhere from 8-14 (the most i have ever taken was 14) to the bowling alley most of the time to mess around i know them well enough especially on a house shot (or i was just that inconsistant) a weeks months ago to get 9 strikes with 9 different balls in a row just messing around i was stoked though i bowl atleast 5 nights a week (unless i'm at drill) and i just changed the way i throw the ball alot more so i think practice will be good for me... alot say i bowl too much but i drag my girlfriend along wherever i go so it gets expensive but she bought a few balls for me (gravity in JAN was my fav so far...) thinking about a street rod pearl though who knows
Bowl up a storm
Storm Shift Gravity
Storm Shift SLT PRO CG (overseas ball)
Storm Shift Attitude (2)
Storm Shift
Storm Shift Global PRO CG (OVERSEAS)
Storm Special Agent
Storm Agent
Storm Rapid Fire
Storm Tropical Storm (blue and Yellow

Storm Core Power LRG
Storm Eraser Boost
Storm EL NINO X-it
Storm Team Storm spare ball (blue and yellow) 2
all 16s
Rotogrip Cell
Hammer Black Widow Pearl
Ebonite the one (2) one over one under bridge