The double agent is a fair bit newer than the EB though isn't it? Also looking at the core, I think I will be better off with an agent or other symmetric cored ball.
I have really liked:
ebo savage pearl
track crunch time
track code red critical mass
track silencer
storm trauma ER
storm el nino 2000
amf nighthawk menace
amf bullwhip
amf whip pearl
They all have 'simple' cores I think they are all symmetric too, apart from the menace (which looks symmetric apart from a torque ring).
I've had mixed success with phenom unleashed which is strongly assym, and absolutely hate my tpc player which is also asymm.
Add all that in with the fact that the EB is asymmetric and roto is quite hard to get here, I think other options are better for me.
thanks for the input though
